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A GUIDE TO EXTENSION EDUCATION: A Compendium of Extension, TOT, Communication and Diffusion Concepts

A GUIDE TO EXTENSION EDUCATION: A Compendium of Extension, TOT, Communication and Diffusion Concepts

Author:T R Sridevi Krishnaveni, P Balasubramaniam, C Cinthia Fernandaz and B Krishnamurthy
ISBN 13:9789390611065

About the Book

The book encompasses 5 broad categories and 22 sub chapters with elaborate components discussed in the sub sections. The first part deals on the basics and gives an introduction to Extension Education. The systematic extension framework and programme planning is also added. The second part is on the major extension systems in India wherein various programmes of pre independence, post-independence and up to date information is elaborated. The next part is on the rural development and administration. The method of programme formulation, implementation and evaluation is discussed here. It gives idea on various rural development and community development programmes. The fourth part is on the recent developing trends in the field of extension education which includes privatization, cyber extension, Geographical Information system etc., These topics will help the Scholars in understanding the theory, practical as well as application-oriented concepts in Extension Education. The incorporation of various programmes will orient the learners towards the knowledge of the ideas of various activities of the Government and policy makers in the field. The inclusion of various organizations and Institutions involved in extension development, important date of events and objectives will help the Scholars to acquaint the knowledge on developmental Extension in the country. This will help the learners not only for academic purpose but also guide them for competitive exams preparation. The last part is on the Information and Communications tools used for transfer of technology which builds the technical know how of the subject matter specialists. Capacity building, Diffusion of Innovations are incorporated in this section for which the knowledge is essential for all Extension workers. The book on “A GUIDE OF EXTENSION EDUCATION” is designed for all Extension education scholars invariable across the professional courses in Agricultural and allied sector to meet their academic as well as competitive examinations demand. This book will also be a one stop reckoner to meet all the requirement of various stake holders in the field of Extension Education and transfer of technology across various developmental sectors.