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About us

Indian Books and Periodicals was started in 1985 to export Indian books and publications to all over the world. Our aim is to provide prompt services of all Indian publications worldwide. Over the years we have established ourselves as one of the leading exporters of books and command a high reputation in both the foreign as well as the domestic markets.
Humanities and Social Sciences books published from all major Indian publishers as well as Institutions on Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Vedic and Sanskrit Literature, Ayurveda, Mathematics, History, Philosophy, Performing Arts, Literature, Linguistics, Life Sciences, Science and Technology, Botanical Science, Zoology, Sociology etc. They are published on frequent intervals and are trusted by famous libraries.
We provide the following services:
  • Prompt supply of all publications published from anywhere in India and in all languages including English.
  • Prompt supply of publications of Research Institutes, Learned Societies and Government Organizations.
  • Accept standing orders for Irregular Serials, continuations and Books in series.
  • Search full sets of regular and irregular serials and fill up gaps in your acquisitions.
  • Search out-of-print and Rare publications.
  • Books are not listed in our website, please send your query for availability and price.
  • Books are listed in our website, the price are showing zero, please ask for their availability and price.
General Instructions:
  • You are welcome to place your orders through email, regular post. You may order through our Catalogues, Newsletters and through any other source.
  • Two copies of the invoices will be mailed on dispatch of the ordered titles.
  • Non-receipt of the ordered books within the specified time should be reported. This will help us to ensure delivery.
  • Discounts are offered to booksellers and on bulk purchases.
  • For further enquiries, please write to us.