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A Handbook of General Well-being through Diet, Immunity and Homeopathy

A Handbook of General Well-being through Diet, Immunity and Homeopathy

Author:Dr P K Chhetri
ISBN 13:9789392816147

About the Book

CONTENTS: Preface, PART-I. 1. What is AIDS? 2. Epidemiology, 3. AIDS and Clinical Manifestations, 4. HIV and Immunity, 5. Curability Aspects and Drugs, 6. Limitations of Medicines, 7. Diet: Why it is Important in Healing, 8. An Alternative Approach, 9. AIDS Accessories, 10. Conclusion, PART-II. 1. Antibiotics: Are They the Final Answer?, 2. Arthrities: Nmis Not Important, 3. Ayurveda: An Unforgettable Past Glory, 4. Can a Doctor Believe His Patient?, 5. Cancer: Is it at all Curable?, 6. Care for the Sick is Not New, 7. Why do we need a Combined Hospital?, 8. EBOLA: Could we ry Alernative Remedies, 9. EBOA Treatment: How to Proceed Systematically?, 10. Swine-flu (H1N1), 11. H7N9: One More Flu Strain, 12. Immunity, 13. Is Asthma Curable?, 14. Obesity: A Curse!, 15. Peptic Ulcer: Still Not Understood Fully!, 16. Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Auto-immune Disease, 17. Save Your Heart: A Marvellous Organ!, 18. No More Headache Please!, 19. Superbugs: The WHO Should Act Fast!, 20. The Healing Technique Yet to Receive its Desired Recognition!, 21. Watch Out What You Eat!, 22. No TB Cases Incurable as Assumed, 23. Food Science of Yester Years, 24. Little Do We Know today!, 25. Depession: A Curse of Modern Civilisation, PART-III. 1. Missing Points in teatment of Corona Virus, 2. COVID-19 and Immunity, 3. Corona Virus: Prevention Nursing and Treatment, Alternative Approach, APPENDIX-1(History of a Few critical cases/treatment)APPENDIX-II. 1. Medical Education in ancient India, 2. Mandate, 3. Why should we turn vegetarian?, 4. Why do we get cancer?, Glossary.