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A LEGENDARY DREAM: IMS BHU (A Photo Book Showcasing Journey of a Medical Institute and Medicos

A LEGENDARY DREAM: IMS BHU (A Photo Book Showcasing Journey of a Medical Institute and Medicos

Author:Dr Siddharth Lakhotia
ISBN 13:9789354064296
Subject:Medical Sciences

About the Book

LCCN No I-E-2022326748 Celebrating 100 years of Journey First of its kind book showcasing the beautiful world of Medical Sciences and journey of Medicos & a premier government Medical Institute plus University Hospital in India, in form of live and vibrant 3000 plus photos along with captivating captions & articles. The book is just a very small, like tip of an ice berg, humble attempt to showcase the dimensions of Institute of Medical Sciences in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. As you turn the pages you will be taken to a journey showcasing it's humble beginning, proud history, golden past, majestic present and ambitious future, interdisciplinary magnitude, as well educational and social impact. Book will also reflect the tough student life of an undergraduate medical student, long junior and senior residency years full of sacrifices, mental and physical stress, hard and harsh working hours yet the joy and satisfaction of saving someone's life. The book has Five sections namely Story of IMS, Tale of white coat, Glimpses of IMS, Behind the curtains and Happy Medicos. What goes behind making a graduate, then post graduate and finally a super specialist has been beautifully displayed in the chapter tale of white coat. The chapter traces the journey of students in four different streams namely Modern medicine, Ayurveda, Dental and Nursing sciences. The book through it's 500 plus pages showcases the world of Modern Medicine, Ayurveda, Dental Sciences and Nursing in totality. It would certainly be your prized possession full of nostalgia. The book is also a great delight for all those who want to join medical profession as it portrays beautifully the life they will have in future. It’s a tribute to this great institution from all of us.