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Ahara - Rocanah: First Authentic Treatise of Specific Indian Spices and Flavored Formulations

Ahara - Rocanah: First Authentic Treatise of Specific Indian Spices and Flavored Formulations

Author:Acharya Balkrishna
ISBN 13:9789385721038
Subject:Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines

About the Book

Health is the main base of four objectives of human endeavor Purushartha-chatustya) i.e., Dharma means righteousness (moral value), Artha means prosperity (economic value), Kama means pleasure or love (psychological value) and Moksa means liberation (spiritual value). For living a happy and healthy life it is very important to follow Ayurveda preachings. For health, abstracted sermons by different ancient sages is as follows:- Use of only salutary diet promotes health of an individual and maleficent diet is the cause of all diseases. Sapidity and palatability is known to be one of the chief character of salutary diet. While defining the properties of salutary diet in Caraka Samhita, it is said that this type of palatable, fresh and mucilaginous food promotes health. A salutary diet is easy to digest and promotes health through harmony, strength, nutrition, pleasure, etc. As per Sushruta Samhita.- Sapid and palatable food gives happiness to the mind; strength and activeness in the body. While distasteful and unpalatable food desperates the mind. It is the cause of weakness, laziness, depression and sorrow. Therefore, always take a salutary and palatable diet. Hence precisely cooked delicious and salutary diet itself is a curative medicine. The great sage Kasyapa authenticates this fact as:-