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An Atlas of Allergenically Significant Plants of India

An Atlas of Allergenically Significant Plants of India

Author:A B Singh and Asha Khandelwal
ISBN 13:9789352620234
Subject:Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines

About the Book

The importance of phenological and aerobiological researches in the diagnosis and therapeutic management of allergic diseases have been established all over the world. The knowledge of aerobiology at local, regional and global levels is prerequisite for effective and efficient diagnosis and treatment of the various allergic symptoms. Globally and in India it is estimated that 20-40 per cent people suffer from one or the other allergic disease. So it is a National health problem. In order to adapt avoidance strategy towards plant allergens, it is essential to identify the local plants and their flowering periods to correlate with the symptoms of the allegic patients. In the present book we have attempted to provide phonological and aerobiological details of allergenically significant plants of different geographical regions of India. The Atlas is aimed at to provide siple guidelines with their botanical and vernacular names to allergy practioners, researchers, environmentalists, aerobiologists and to allergy sufferers. This will help the clinicians to select the appropriate allergens for diagnosis and immunotherapy to which patients would have been exposed. Contents - Introduction List of Plants - 1. Acacia arabica 2. Adhatoda vasica 3. Aegle marmelos 4. Ageratum conyzoides 5. Ailanthus excelsa 6. Albizia lebbek 7. Alnus nitida 8. Amaranthus Spinosus 9. Argemone mexicana 10. Artemisia vulgaris 11. Asphodelus tenufolius 12. Azadirachta indica 13. Bauhinia variegata 14. Betula utilis 15. Borassus flabellifer 16. Brassica campestris 17. Broussonetia papyrifera 18. Cannabis sativa 19. Carica papaya 20. Cassia fistula 21. Cassia occidentalis 22. Cassia siamea 23. Casuarina equisetifolia 24. Celtis australis 25. Cenchrus ciliaris 26. Cedrus deodara 27. Chenopodium album 28. Chenopodium murale 29. Clerodendrum inerme 30. Cocos nucifera 31. Coriandrum sativum 32. Cratavea nurvala 33. Cynodon dactylon 34. Cyperus rotundus 35. Dactylis glomerata 36. Delonix regia 37. Dodonaea Visosa 38. Ehretia laevis 39. Eucalyptus sp. 40. Grevillea robusta 41. Gynandropsis gynandra 42. Holoptelea integrifolia 43. Imperata sp. (cylind