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Animal Oncology

Animal Oncology

Author:S Sivaseelan
ISBN 13:9789388982283
Subject:Veterinary Sciences

About the Book

Animal Oncology is a completely comprehensive book written in simple language covering the pertinent information to inculcate the knowledge of Neoplasms to Veterinary Students, Researchers and Practitioners. This Book is also useful to Medical and Dental Students. Readers of Oncology, who are often highly confused due to their imagination and understanding of this subject, will find this Book as a boon, which alleviates the hindrances of understanding Oncology. Clear illustrations on each and every aspect of Veterinary Oncology have been provided for easy understanding and remembrance. This book has two portions namely General Oncology and Special Oncology. General Oncology deals with the general concepts of neoplasms in 14 Chapters and Special Oncology deals with specific neoplasms pertaining to different body systems in 35 Chapters. Special Oncology has been fortified with 155 colour photographs that have been taken from various tumour cases diagnosed by me over a period of more than 10 years. These photographs with their legends will make students and practitioners to understand about almost all neoplasms that occur in Livestock and Poultry easily. Research Articles published by us pertaining to certain tumours have been included for the interest of Oncology researches. Special staining and immunohis to chemical illustrations provided to certain tumours in this Book will also be highly useful to Oncology researchers. The World Health Organization and World Health Animal O r g a n i z a t i o n - a p p r o v e d , G o l d s t a n d a r d t e c h n i q u e t o f i n a l i z e a growth/swelling/mass/tumour is Histopathological reading that would be well enjoyed by any Veterinary Student or Practitioner who is reading this book.