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Asia between Multipolarism and Multipolarity

Asia between Multipolarism and Multipolarity

Author:Edited by Sujan R Chinoy and Jagannath P Panda
ISBN 13:9789389137439
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

This book aims to map the Asian power trajectory and the continent’s contemporary journey towards greater multipolarity. This volume examines the impact of plurilateral and multilateral dialogues and cooperative mechanisms on Asia’s security and economic architecture. It is based on the proceedings of the thought-provoking 20th edition of the Asian Security Conference which was held from March 26-28, 2019 at the Manohar Parri-kar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi. Contents: Preface • Acknowledgements • Notes on Contributors • List of Abbreviations • Introduction • PART I - Debating a Multipolar Asia: The Geo-economics of Multipolarity • India and the Multipolar World: Need for a New Narrative • Beijing’s Vision of the Asian Order: Promoting a Community of Shared Future • The United States’ Indo-Pacific Policies Debate • The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU): Eurasian Order and Russia-China Relations • Australia, the Indo-Pacific Idea and a Multipolar Order • PART II - Reframing the Regional Architecture: Free-Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) and China’s Approach to Regionalism • Why AIIB, Not BRI? India’s Fine Balance on China • Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and the Future of Regional Integration in Central Asia • RCEP and Indo-Pacific Economic Integration • Indonesia’s Rise: With or Without BRICS • China’s BRICS Vision and the Asian Order • The Russian Vision of BRICS in the Context of a Multipolar Order in Asia • PART III - The Evolving Indo-Pacific Order: Maritime Security in Indo-Pacific: An American Perception • United Kingdom’s Foreign Policy and Indo-Pacific Security • Achieving a Free and Open Indo-Pacific through the Quad Framework: A Japanese Perspective • India and the Idea of Indo-Pacific: A Hesitant Embrace? • The Indo-Pacific: China’s Perception • Russia’s Vision of an Asian Security Order • Sri Lanka and the Maritime Security Order in the Indian Ocean • PART IV - Managing Contests and Security Concerns in Asia: Philippines and Maritime Security Order in Southeast Asia • The US, China and the Asian Security Order by 2025: A Taiwanese Perspective • Denuclearisation on Alert: Reshaping Security Order on the Korean Peninsula • From Alliance to Networks: Managing India’s Security Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region • India and the Terrorism-Military Nexus in South Asia • PART V - Differences and Disputes in Asia: The Future of India-Pakistan Ties • India-China Border Question: The Way Ahead • India-China Boundary Question: An Indian Perspective • Future of South China Sea Dispute: A Vietnamese Perspective • Bangladesh and the Geo-Politics of Bay of Bengal • Energy Security and Development: India’s Balance between Priorities, Challenges and Opportunities • Oil, Ports and Hard Power: Shifting Balance of Power in the Gulf and Horn of Africa • Global Commerce and the Sea Lines of Communication in the Indian Ocean: A Sri Lankan Perspective