Astro Equations for Specific Professions (Science of Light - 2)(2nd Revised Edition)
Author: | Mridula Trivedi, T. P. Trivedi and R Asthana |
ISBN 13: | 9788120840775 |
Year: | 2016 |
Subject: | Philosophy and Religion/Astrology |
About the Book
Astro Equations For Specific Professions' is a perfect treatise of paramount importance on professional prospects of people, containing profound research observations based on the practical examination of thousands of birth charts of individuals, and after a wide and through study of all classical works of various sages. There were only a few professional employments during earlier period, therefore our sages, who were blessed with Siddhies have stated only about the prevalent professions of that period in their classical texts. Authors, in this book, have tried to explain the planetary configurations of as many as specific professions as it was possible.
The most commonly asked question, even to a child, is i.e. what would you like to become when grown up, which simply means, what profession you would join? Small kids reply with any profession, which has caught up their fancy lately but for students in higher classes, the question is a nightmare with everyone suggesting something or the other. So great is the focus today on a 'right' choice of career and such wide spectrum of professions are available to choose from that students get baffled. More often than not the real potential takes a back seat and the professions in vogue are unwillingly chosen. Now-a-days numerous techniques, psychoanalytical assessment and aptitude tests are being used by career counsellors to identify the right career for an individual, 'Astro Equations For Specific Professions' is an effort to refine the choice of career using principles of Astrology.
'Astro Equations For Specific Professions' contains 18 chapters on varied professions like I.A.S., Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Journalists, Teachers, Police Personnel, Industrialists, Scientists, Mathematicians, Consultants, Politicians, Players, Actors, Artists, Bank Personnel, M.B.As., C.As. and persons involved in various kinds of business etc., explaining that how can specific profession be precisely pointed out. Which will be the most successful profession for the native and why? What kind of business will suit the subject? All these questions are vividly answered in this book.
'Astro Equations For Specific Professions' deals with minute details and precise observations of each and every profession separately, with illustrative discussions. Various rules for different occupations have been propounded quite categorically and significantly, which will help scholars of astrology, in finding out most appropriate and suitable profession by applying least efforts and doing very less exercise, comparatively, in this regard.
Various spiritual measures, to avoid obstacles in the career and to become more prosperous and rich, are also detailed in 'Astro Equations For Specific Professions'