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Bharatiya Dharma Rajya: Vision of ‘Kingdom of God’ in India

Bharatiya Dharma Rajya: Vision of ‘Kingdom of God’ in India

Author:Acharya Sachidananda Bharathi
ISBN 13:9789387298415
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Religion

About the Book

We need an inclusive vision of a greater India in which all children of Mother India - Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, Bahais andJews as well as non-believers - all alike can live together with love and mutual respect as members of one large joint family bound with a common destiny. I India is not called to be a 'Hindu Rashtra or an Islamic Republic' or a 'Khalistan or a 'Christian Country. She is called to be a land and light of righteousness on earth, a 'Bharatiya Dharma Rajya' that will be a mother of love and princess of peace in the worldfamily of nations, a Kingdom of God on earth.