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Social problems Social welfare
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Political Sociology for a Globalizing World (Indian Edition)
Michael S. Drake
Poppies, Politics, and Power: Afghanistan and the Global History of Drugs and Diplomacy
James Tharin Bradford
Post Globalisation Politics of Language in Maharashtra :Doctor of Philosophy In Politics
Deepak Pawar
Post-truth: Phenomenon, Impact, Consequences
Edited by M Asaduddin
Postmodern Social Work: Reflective Practice and Education
Ken Moffatt
Poverty Alleviation in India
Manzoor Hussain and Gousia Yaseen
Poverty Alleviation in India : The Unfinished Task and the Road Ahead
Edited by Dr P Anbalagan and Dr Rakesh Kumar Singh
Poverty Eradication and Elevation of People's Standard of Living
Ms Padmini Advocate and Prof (Dr) Arvind P Bhanu
Poverty Matters: Covering Deprivation in India
K. Nagaraj with Nalini Rajan
Poverty Social Crimes and Terrorism of South Asia: Are the Generations of the Gender Unbalanced Social System
T P Panta
Poverty and Human Security: A Perceptual Analysis in the Indian Context
Jayesh G
Poverty and Hunger: The Millennium Development Goal in the Global and Indian Context
John Joseph Puthenkalam and John Chathanatt
Poverty in Jammu & Kashmir State
G.A Qureshi
Poverty, Inequality and Social Protection: Issues and Policies
Edited by Swargesh Kumar
Practice of Social Research: Social Work Perspective (Second Edition, first published in 2000)
D K Lal Das
Prevention of Drug Abuse: Social Work Intervention
Edited by Ambreen Jamali
Prisoner's Rights and the Law
R K Upadhyay
Probation in Southern States
Dr P. Prathapan
Problems of Refugee in South Asia: A Study of Afghan and Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees in India
Shahzad, Mohd
Professional Social Work: Best Practices and Innovations
Ram Shankar Singh
Profiles of Poverty in India
A E Punit
Prologue to Provocations : A Search for Truth in Christian Anthropology
Romero D'Souza.
Promised Land and Right to Subsistence: The Disintegration of Peasantry and the Neoliberal Policy on Food Security in India
Samuel Rajadurai
Protection of Human Rights through Non Governmental Organisation (NGOs)
Amit Singh, Vivek Kumar gupta and Kiran Saksena