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Social problems Social welfare

(Showing 433 - 456 products of 702 products)
Political Sociology for a Globalizing World (Indian Edition)
Poppies, Politics, and Power: Afghanistan and the Global History of Drugs and Diplomacy
Post Globalisation Politics of Language in Maharashtra :Doctor of Philosophy In Politics
Post-truth: Phenomenon, Impact, Consequences
Postmodern Social Work: Reflective Practice and Education
Poverty Alleviation in India
Poverty Alleviation in India : The Unfinished Task and the Road Ahead
Poverty Eradication and Elevation of People's Standard of Living
Poverty Matters: Covering Deprivation in India
Poverty Social Crimes and Terrorism of South Asia: Are the Generations of the Gender Unbalanced Social System
Poverty and Human Security: A Perceptual Analysis in the Indian Context
Poverty and Hunger: The Millennium Development Goal in the Global and Indian Context
Poverty in Jammu & Kashmir State
Poverty, Inequality and Social Protection: Issues and Policies
Practice of Social Research: Social Work Perspective (Second Edition, first published in 2000)
Prevention of Drug Abuse: Social Work Intervention
Prisoner's Rights and the Law
Probation in Southern States
Problems of Refugee in South Asia: A Study of Afghan and Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees in India
Professional Social Work: Best Practices and Innovations
Profiles of Poverty in India
Prologue to Provocations : A Search for Truth in Christian Anthropology
Promised Land and Right to Subsistence: The Disintegration of Peasantry and the Neoliberal Policy on Food Security in India
Protection of Human Rights through Non Governmental Organisation (NGOs)