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Painting and Sculpture

(Showing 49 - 72 products of 549 products)
Jahangir : A Connoisseur of Mughal Art
Satish Gujral : Sculptures
Indian Painting : The Great Mural Tradition
The Little Luminous Boy: The Oral Tradition from the Land of Zhangzhung Depicted on Two Tibetan Paintings (Second Edition)
The Art of Arpana Caur
An Enchanted Space : The Private World of Ganesh Pyne
Indian Paintings in the British Library
Syncretism in Sculptural Art of South and South East Asia
Paintings of the Great Mughals : Lalit Kala Series Portfolio No. 47
The Life of Form in Indian Sculpture
The Art of Jatin Das
The Alternate Nation of Abanindranath Tagore
Miniature Paintings of Nizam Ali Khan Asaf Jah II & Others: 18th Century Hyderabad (Based on Tuzuk-i-Asafia of Tajalli Ali Shah)
Close to Events : Works of Bikash Bhattacharjee
Adi Granth Paintings : Raga-Ragamala and Barah-Maha
Jammu Ragamala Paintings
The Splendour of the Royal Ateliers : Lalit Kala Series Portfolio No. 45
Ancient Soparaka
Museums and Archives: Preservation, Management and Digital Networking
Centres of Pahari Painting
Bundi fort: a Rajput world,
A. Ramachandran : Portfolio Prints