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Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines

(Showing 1729 - 1752 products of 3003 products)
Naturally Beautiful (The Complete Beauty Book)
Healthy Living with Ayurveda
Cikitaskalika of Tisatacarya. Along with the commentary of Candrata. Ed. With english commentary
Cikitsa Prakasa
Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine
Prameha: An Ayurvedic Concordance of Textual References from Brhatrayis
Rasendra Sara Sangraha of Sri Gopal Krishna
Susruta Samhita (Sri Dalhana Acharya ki Nibandh Samgraha Vyakhya tatha Srigaydas Acharya ki Nyaya Chandrika Vyakhyaka Hindi Anuvad Vol.Three (Uttartantram)
Ayurveda Vistas
Diagnosis and Management of Ano-Rectal Diseases (Critical Analysis of Ancient Concepts in the Light of Modern Medicine)
ICMR PUB: Perspectives of Indian medicinal plants in the management of liver disorders
Ayurvedic Minerals, Gems and Animal Product for Longevity and Rejuvenation
Ayurveda Saukhyam of Todarananda (Set of 9 Volumes)
Encyclopedia of Healing (2 Vols)
Encyclopaedia of plants 7 vols
Yogaratnakara: With \'Vidyotini\' Hindi Commentary (Reprint Edition) Hindi
Caraka Samhita (Text with English Translation & Critical Exposition based on Cakrapani Datta's Ayurveda Dipika Volume IV (Cikitsa Sthan Chap. XV - XXVI)
* Ayush Pub: Pharmacognosy of indigenous drugs. vol. 3
* Ayush Pub: Descriptive catalogue of medical manuscripts vol. 3
Ayurveda And Marma Therapy (Energy Points in Yogic Healing)
Sarngadhara Samhita: Classical Compendium of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Science of Acarya Sarngadhara with Transcendence Descriptive English Commentary Paperback
A text book of Ashtanga sangraha (sutra-sthna)
Diabetes - Status & Health Review (Answers to all Questions which arise in your mind including Ayurveda
Science of Validation of Medicinal and Edible Plants for Cure and Good Health