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(Showing 1321 - 1344 products of 1495 products)
Objective Agriculture Science
Plant Diseases, Pathogens and Their Vectors : An Annotated List
Science, Agriculture and Research : A Compromised Participation?
Sewan (Lasiurus Sindicus Henr.) : Production and Conservation Technology
Sugarcane at a Glance
The Nutri-Cereals Small Millets
The Waste Products of Agriculture : Their Utilization as Humus
Basic Concepts of Plant Science
Objective Soil Science
Farmers, Subalterns, and Activists: Social Politics of Sustainable Agriculture in India
Introductory Plant Nematology
Ladybird Beetles: As Bio Security Force
Ravine Land Management: Principles, Practices and Strategies
Agricultural Insect Pests and Their Control (2nd Revised Edition) Paperback
Boro Rice Cultivation and Productivity
Coconut and Oilpalm : Genetic Upgradation and Protection
Efficiency Indices for Agriculture Management Research
Feeding the Forgotten Poor: Perspectives of an Agriculturist
Introduction to Soil and Agricultural Microbiology
Irrigation Potential in Agriculture of Assam
Jatropha : Cultivation and Processing Practices
Question Bank : Seed Science and Technology
Soil Engineering : In Theory and Practice, Vol. III. Selected Topics
Terminologies in Agricultural Sciences