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Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

(Showing 265 - 288 products of 293 products)
Agro's Colour Atlas Of Medicinal Plants
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Coriandrum Sativum: Coriander
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Lawsonia Inermis: Henna
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Coffea Arabica: Coffee
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Andrographis Paniculata: Kalmegh
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Piper Longum: Long Pepper
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Mucuna Pruriens: Velvet Bean
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Solanum Nigrum: Black Nightshade
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Elletaria Cardamomum: Cardamom
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Musa Paradisiaca: Banana
Safety Reviews on Selected Indian Medicinal Plants: Vol. 1
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Acorus Calamus: Sweet Flag
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Tinospora Cordifolia: Giloya
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Averrhoa Carambola: Carambola
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Madhuca Longifolia: Mahua
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Zea Mays: Maize
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Plantago Ovata: Isabgol
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Commiphora Wightii: Guggul
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Piper Betle: Betel
Herbal and Aromatic Plants: Indigofera Tinctoria: Neel
Adverse Effects and Bio-Interactions of Ayurvedic Plant Drugs: A Scientific Synopsis
ICMR PUB: Reviews on Indian Medicinal Plants: Volume 22 (Pri - Qui)
Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants of India and Nepal Volume 3