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Earth Sciences

(Showing 1 - 24 products of 94 products)
Disaster Management: A Data Analysis Approach
Disaster Management
Land Resource Atlas Vidarbha Region Maharashtra
Living with Disasters: Communities and Development in the Indian Sundarbans
Disaster Management Guidelines for Incident Response Information and Communication System
Disaster Management Guidelines for Chemical Industrial and Fire Disasters
Disaster Management Guidelines for Cyclone
Disaster Management Guidelines:   Earthquake, Landslide, Avalanches and Tsunami
Disaster Management Guidelines for Biological Disasters, Psycho-Social Support and Mental Health Services
Disaster Management Guidelines for Floods
Disaster Management Guidelines for Drought
Disaster Management Guidelines for Nuclear/Radiological Emergencies and Chemical Terrorism
Disaster and Emergency Management: Selected Issues and Options Available
Biodiversity and Biotechnology Related Disasters (In Association with Indian Institute of Disaster Management)
Physiographical Characteristics of the Sikkim-Bengal Himalaya
Climate Events and Disaster Mitigation: From Policy to Practice
Earth's Aerial Insights A Guide to Aerial Photography, Remote Sensing and GIS
Micropaleontology and its Applications
Bioremediation: Current Research and Application
Landslide Research: The DST
Gujar Bhukam Shatkam: Ek Anusheelan (Hindi)
Environmental Studies and Disaster Management
Role of Public Participation in Disaster Preparedness Planning
The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future