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(Showing 433 - 456 products of 1618 products)
PAIN AND ITS ENDING (The Four Truths in the Theravada Buddhist Canon)
Tantra in Tibet ? The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra-Volume I
Tibetan Medicine and Other Holistic Health-Care Systems (Foreword by His Holiness The Dalai Lama)
The Dhammapada, verses and stories, romanised text with English tr. (Postage charges extra)
The Yoga of Tibet: The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra ? 2 and 3 by Tsong Khapa
The Excellent Vessel of Ambrosia: A Commentary on the Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas Union of the Root Text and Instructions
Abhidharma Kosha
The Buddhist Trail In Himachal (A Travel Guide)
The Central Conception of Buddhism
Aryapancavimsatisahasrikaprajnaparamita (Sanskrit), Vol.2 Chapters 2-4 (Postage charges extra)
Manual of Indian Buddhism
The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala (A Buddhist Scripture on the Tathagatagarbha Theory)
Studies in the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita and other Essays
Buddhist Thought and Ritual
Digha Nikaya
Early Buddhism and Christianity
Facets of Buddhism
The Buddhism of Tibet (Combined Volume)
The 'Other' Shangri-La: Journeys through the Sino-Tibetan frontier in Sichuan
Abhidhammatthasangaho of Anuruddhacariya (Paperback)
Buddhism in Karnataka
The Glorious Deeds Of Purna
Stithpargya (Hindi) (PB)