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(Showing 1321 - 1344 products of 1618 products)
The Heart of Tibetan Language: A Synthesis of Indigenous Grammar and Contemporary Learning Methodology, Vol.1, foreword by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama (Bod skad snying po) (Tibetan and English)
The Heritage of Nalanda
The Hidden Rainbow
The Historical Status of China In Tibet
The History and Literature of Buddhism
The History and Literature of Buddhism
The History of Bhutan
The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet
The History of Buddhism in India and Tibet: The Jewelry of Scripture
The History of Monasteries in Zanskar
The Hundred Verses of Advice of Padampa Sangye (Revised & Enlarged Edition)
The Iconography of Architectural Plans
The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism
The Indian Buddhist Iconography
The Isvarapratyabhijnakarika of Utpaladeva with the Author's Vrtti
The Jataka Stories in Japan
The Jataka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births (6 Volumes Bound in Three)
The Jatakas (Times and Lives of Bodhisattva)
The Jatakas: Birth Stories of the Bodhisatta
The Kasyapaparivarta,
The Khuddakapatha, Udana, Itivuttaka & Cariyapitaka
The King of the Mountain
The Lalitavistara: Memoirs of the Early Life of Sakya Sinha (Chs. 1- 15)