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(Showing 265 - 288 products of 1618 products)
The Life of Buddha as Legend and History
The Life of Buddha As Legend and History
The Life of BUDDHA: According to the Legends of Ancient India
The Life and Work of Buddhaghosa
The Lepchas of Drongu Region In Sikkim : A Narrative of Cultural Heritage and Folklore
The Legends and Theories of the Buddhists (Compared with History and Science with Introductory Notices of the Life and System of Gotama Buddha)
The Last Days Of Lord Buddha: The Strangely Moving Story Cited In The Mahaparnibbana Sutta with The Land of Bliss
The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom "With the Divisions of the Abhisamyalankara "
The Lankavatara Sutra: A Mahayana Text
The Land of the Lamas: Notes of A Journey Through China Mongolia and Tibet
The Lalitavistara: Memoirs of the Early Life of Sakya Sinha (Chs. 1- 15)
The King of the Mountain
The Khuddakapatha, Udana, Itivuttaka & Cariyapitaka
The Kasyapaparivarta,
The Jatakas: Birth Stories of the Bodhisatta
The Jatakas (Times and Lives of Bodhisattva)
The Jataka or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births (6 Volumes Bound in Three)
The Jataka Stories in Japan
The Isvarapratyabhijnakarika of Utpaladeva with the Author's Vrtti
The Indian Buddhist Iconography
The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism
The Iconography of Architectural Plans
The Hundred Verses of Advice of Padampa Sangye (Revised & Enlarged Edition)
The History of Monasteries in Zanskar