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(Showing 121 - 144 products of 1102 products)
Living In Love
Paul for Everyone. The Pastoral Letters 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus
RETHINKING ECCLESIA: Being and Becoming Christ Communities towards a Borderless Church - 2
ST. Basil The Great And The Globalized India
The Joy of The Gospel of Life: Contextual Reflections on Mission and Evangelism
Poems dictated by God Harbound
Hearing, Preaching And The Indian Congregation
The Clewer Initiative: T T Carter and the Fight Against Modern Slavery
Building God's Kingdom: Inroduction to Christian Missions (Christian Heritage Rediscovered No 85)
Eschatology For Simple Folks: A Basic Study Of The Ancient Writings In Connection With The Present And Future
Cross-cultural Eco-theology In An Indian Ocean Context
Matthew For Everyone. Part 1 Chapters 1-15
A Christian History Of Uttarakhand Vol- I
The Holy Spirit In John And Acts
Paul For Everyone. Romans Part 2 Chapters 9-16
The Relevance of Thomas Merton's Spirituality for the Consecrated Life in India: Refueling to Confront the Social Evils in the InterreligiousContext
Paul For Everyone. 1 Corinthians
Ecclesiology in the Cyber Age : Papers Presented at Young Theologians Conclave: ERC-UTC Bangalore, June 26-27, 2014 (PB)
Mission in Transition: jIndian Experiences
The Word On The Street
Paul For Everyone. Romans Part 1 Chapters 1-8