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(Showing 1 - 24 products of 687 products)
 A Sanskrit dictionary of law and statecraft
 Manu Smriti A Critical Study and Its Relevance in the Modern Times
 Modality, Essence and Possible Worlds
 The Sarvadarshanasamgraha of Madhavacharya
 Vision of Advaita Vedanta in Taittiriya Upanishad With Special Reference to Shankarabhashya
108 Facts about Sanskrit you didn't know
A Banquet of Philosophical and Devotional Hymns of Abhinavaguptacarya
A Comprehensive Study of Few Metres from the View of Poetics (The Secrets of Sanskrit Compositions)
A Critical Examination of Nyaya (An Investigation into Acceptability of the Conceptual Framework, Unaltered Continuity and Identity through its Two Strands-Pracina and Navya)
A Critical Study of the Ravanarjuniyam with Special reference to its Grammatical Usage
A Dictionary of Scientific Terms on Kalidasa Literature
A Higher Sanskrit Grammar (For the Use of School and College Students) 3rd edition
A History of Sanskrit Literature
A History of Sanskrit Literature (Classical Period) Hardbound
A Marigold of Modern Sanskrit Literature
A STUDY OF TEXTUAL PRESCRIPTIONS IN PANINIAN GRAMMAR SAMSKRTA VYAKARANAKAUMUDI: A Compendium of Laghusiddhantakaumudi English version with critical exposition
A Translation of the ITU 36,000 PATI Commentary of Tiruvaymoli of Nammalvar by Vatakkuttiruvitippillai into English (1-110 Verses) 2 Volumes Set
AAPSTAMB-DHARMASUTRAM (Mahrishi Aapstambpranitam Krshnayajurvediyam) Vistrut Bhumika, Mool Hindi Anuvad, Çhandrika' Hindi Vyakhya, Tippni, Diagram, Parishisthadi Sahit 2 Volumes Set (Sanskrit and Hindi)
ASHTADHYAYI SAHAJBODH Volume 6 Karakprakaran tatha Samasprakriya (Sanskrit Text with Hindi Translation)
Aapsatambiay Karm-Mimamsa
Abhijnana Sakuntala (Shakuntala) reprint Edition, first published in 1861
Abhinav Kathakar Abhiraj Rajendra Mishra (Sanskrit and Hindi)