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Vedas and Puranas

(Showing 73 - 96 products of 338 products)
Human Ecology in the Vedas (Second impression, first published in 1999)
Vaisnavism: Its Philosophy, Theology and Religious Discipline (3rd Reprint Edition)
Shivmahapuranam (Mool tatha Bhashanuvad) (Sanskrit and Hindi) Volume One Gian Samhita, Santkumar Samhita)
Rgveda Samhita: Yatharth Anuvad (Anavya tatha Arth Sahit) (Bhag 1, Mandal 1 or 2) (Sanskrit and Hindi)
Shivmahapuranam (Mool tatha Bhashanuvad) Volume Five Kailash Samhita evam Vayviya Samhita
Rgveda Samhita: Yatharth Anuvad (Anavya tatha Arth Sahit) (Bhag 2, Mandal 3, 4, 5 or 6) (Sanskrit and Hindi)
Vedic Imprint in Southeast Asia with Special Reference to Manipur
Markandeya Purana (Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Volume 86)
Ishadivinshotarshtoupanishad (A Compilation of well-known 120 Upanisads)Upnishadchshantipath-Pathantar-Tippanyandi-Sanlankrt
Word Index to the Upanisat-Sankarabhasya Volume 1 (Isa, Kena-Pada, Kena-Vakyya, Katha, Prasna and Mundaka) Sanskrit
The Teaching of the Vedas: What Light Does it Throw on the Origin and Development of Religion? (First Indian Edition)
Yajurvediya Brahamano me Jyotish ke Tattva (Hindi)
The Rgveda in its Historical Setting
Amritmay-Shiv Puran: Kalyugi-Kasht Vinashak Saral Hindi Bhasha (Hindi)
Women Seers of the Rgveda
Vedanta Prabodh: Prasthantryi Shankarbhasya ka Tattatvik Sar (Hindi)
Srimadbhagvat-Mahapuranam (Moolmatram) Sanskrit
Stages and Transitions: Temporal and Historical Frameworks in Epic and Puranic Literature (Proceedings of the Second Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas August 1999
Vedavijnana-Visvakosa (Sanskrit and Hindi)
The Brahmavaivarta Purana: Ganesa Khanda (Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology Vol. 80)
Svayambhupuranam (Sanskrit Text with English Translation)
Rgveda Samhita: Yatharth Anuvad (Anvay tatha Arth Sahit) Bhag I (Mandal 1 and 2) (Text with Hindi Translation)