Author: | Ashokanath Battacharya Sastri |
ISBN 13: | 9788194622109 |
Binding: | Hardbound |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2020 |
Subject: | Philosophy and Religion/Hinduism |
About the Book
The Ved?nta has been rightly called the Finest Fruit of Indian Thought and the Upani?ads as the Finer Flowers. Ved?nta grows out of the teachings of the Upani?ads and passes into the various systems in the writings of ?a?kara, Bh?skara, R?m?nuja, Madhva and Vallabha, the great founders of Advaita, Bhed?bheda, Vi?i???dvaita, Dvait?dvaita and ?uddh?dvaita, respectively. However, there is a perception among Orientalists that while the Upani?ads favour the Monistic doctrine, B?dar?ya?as Brahmas?tra fundamentally opposes it on some of the most crucial points.
The book thus delves deep into the philosophies of both B?dar?ya?a and ?a?kara in enunciating the essential features of Brahman and Its association with the world. It thus discusses topics such as what sort of cause Brahman is?, and what sort of material causality is to be ascribed to It? It also addresses the conflicting views on the nature of Brahman like that of Vivarttav?da and of R?m?nujas Sagu?a-Brahman.
This book proposes to take up the question of Universal Causation to examine thoroughly as how far it is right to regard Brahman as the Universal Cause and how far s?trak?ra himself lent his support to each of the inter-conflicting schools of Ved?nta. This book should, therefore, benefit all who are devoted to the philosophic teachings of Advaita Ved?nta and its preceptors.
Publishers Preface v
1. Introduction 1
A Passing Note on the Identity of the V¦ttikÀra 7
2. The Concept of a Universal Cause 10
Kapila and RÀmÀnuja about the Doctrine of 10
Causation: A Comparison
Pataðjali and RÀmÀnuja 11
The Theory of the Identity of Efficient and 12
Substantive Cause: Supported in the Brahma-SÂtras
The Monistic View: Causation Is an Inexplicable 14 Appearance not Amenable to a Logical Definition
Brahman: The Illusory or Apparent Cause 15
A Critical Estimate of BhÀskaras Position 18
The MÀdhyamika View 22
The View of the Grammarians: SphoÇa and Brahman 30
Consistency of the Doctrine of Illusory Causation 32
from the Monistic Standpoint
3. The Different Schools of VedÀntic Monism on 35
the Doctrine of Causation
The View of the PadÀrthatattvanirõaya: Twofold 35
Substantive Cause Brahman and MÀyÀ
Why Twofold UpÀdÀna Is Admitted? The Psychology 36
of Perception
The Phenomenality of the Objective World Implied 41
in the SubjectObject Relation in Perception
The Nature of AvidyÀ and Its Relation to Consciousness 45
The Vivaraõa View: ±vara (and not Brahman) 48
the UpÀdÀna
Dr Das Guptas Interpretation of the Vivaraõa View 48
SaÚkÈepaÀrÁraka View: Pure Brahman the UpÀdÀna 50
The Insentience of the World: How Does It Come In? 50
VÀcaspatis View 51
VÀcaspati Explains the Insentience of the World 51
A Critical Examination of VÀcaspatis Position 52
Other Charges against VÀcaspati 54
Kalpatarus Support to VÀcaspatis Position 60
The View of the SiddhÀntamuktÀvalÁ: Brahman 62
No UpÀdÀna at All: MÀyÀ the Only Material Cause
4. The Doctrines of Emancipation Attendant on 64
the Doctrine of Causation
The Question of Individual Release: The Attainment 64
of the State of ±vara Appaya DÁkÈitas View
BÀdarÀyaõas Views about the Nature of Final Release 67
Difference between Appaya DÁkÈita and RÀmÀnuja 69
Regarding the Question of Individual Release
Which of These Two Views Retains the Spirit 70
of Jaimini?
Different Types and Stages of Emancipation in 71
aôkaras School of VedÀnta
The Doctrine of Causation in the ruti 75
5. The Conception of the Causality of Brahman in 81
the Sister Schools of VedÀnta
Advaitins and VijðÀnabhikÈu 81
Advaita and ViiÈÇÀdvaita 81
The Position of BhÀskara 82
BhÀskara and aôkara 84
The Position of NimbÀrka 85
BhÀskara and NimbÀrka 87
NimbÀrka and RÀmÀnuja 89
VijðÀnabhikÈus Position 89
Brahman: The Locative Cause of the Universe 90
aôkara, BhÀskara and BhikÈu 92
An Original Line of Interpretation of the BrahmasÂtras: 93
An Attempt at Compromise between VedÀnta and
BhikÈus Interpretation of the Adhikaraõas Which 97
Serve as the Support of the Theory of Abhinnanimit-
Madhvas Position 98
The Position of the GauçÁya School 100
Brahman: The Formative Cause GauçÁya View 101
The Position of Vallabha 102
Two Main Divisions of the Commentators of the 103
Brahma-SÂtras Accepting Brahman as the Identity
of the Efficient and the Substantive Cause
The Particular Sections of the Brahma-SÂtras Dealing 105
with the Doctrine of Causation
Bibliography 106
Index 108