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BUTTERFLY GARDENING: Theory and Practice

BUTTERFLY GARDENING: Theory and Practice

Author:George Mathew and Elizabeth George
ISBN 13:9789389350463

About the Book

Butterflies are organisms of great aesthetic appeal to all sections of people- young and old. They add brilliance, peace, serenity, and tranquility to our surroundings. They perform important roles in nature – as pollinators, as a source of food for higher groups of organisms, transfer of solar energy to other organisms and as indicators of environmental quality. Over- exploitation of natural resources and the unscientific developmental activities of man have resulted in the disappearance of several butterflies which were once quite common in our surroundings. Butterfly gardening is a powerful conservation strategy to bring back our lost butterflies and to generate public interest in conservation. Butterfly gardening is also a therapy against loneliness, depression, and isolation. The younger generations of India are conservation oriented. Their greatest outdoor pleasure is butterfly watching and photography. This book helps the young and the old as well as nature lovers to understand the habitat requirements of butterflies and to create a butterfly garden in any location. This book Butterfly Gardening: Theory and Practices by Brillion Publishing is an outstanding contribution for general reading, and a practical guide for butterfly gardening. It has been authored by working scientists who have spent their lifetime recreating butterfly habitats. It will provide necessary guidance and inspiration to many people to observe, record and conserve butterflies Contents: 1. Butterflies – An Introduction 1.1 Butterfly Morphology1.2 Life-history 1.3 Behaviour 1.3.1 Flight 1.3.2. Basking1.3.3 Territoriality 1.3.4 Courtship1.3.5 Mud puddling1.3.6 Migration1.3.7 Defense Mimicry1.3.7.2 Camouflage1.3.7.3 Variations1.4 Host plant associations1.5 Classification1.5.1 Papilionidae 1.5.2 Pieridae1.5.3 Satyridae 1.5.4 Amathusidae 1.5.5 Nymphalidae1.5.6 Lycaenidae 1.5.7 Hesperiidae 1.6 Endemism. 1.7 Threats. 1.7.1 Habitat Alteration and Destruction 1.7.2 Deforestation. 1.7.3 Alteration of Grasslands . 1.7.4 Industrialization and Urbanization . 1.7.5. Commercial Exploitation 2. Butterfly Conservation 3. Strategies for Butterfly Conservation 3.1 Legislation 3.2 In situ conservation of Butterflies / Butterfly Gardening 3.3 Ex situ Conservation / Butterfly Farming 4. Methodology for setting up an Outdoor Conservatory / Butterfly 4.1. Methodology for Butterfly Garden setting 4.1.1 Retention of Existing Vegetation and Introduction of Native Butterfly Host Plants 4.1.2 Creation of New Landscapes 4.2 Components of a Butterfly Garden 4.2.1. Entrance to the Garden4.2.2. Nature Trail 4.2.3 Streams and Ponds 4.2.4 Fountain, Sprinklers, Foggers 4.2.5 Cascades4.2.6 Mudpuddling Spot 4.2.7 Irrigation System4.2.8 Garden Arches & Pergolas4.2.9 Garden Hedges 4.2.10 Landscaping & Undulating the Terrain4.2.11 Information Boards & Models of Butterflies 4.2. Interpretation Center & Curio Shop 4.2. Public Amenities4.2.14 Host Plants 4.3 Scheme for Introduction of Plants in the Garden4.3.1. Planting in the Areas Adjacent to the Path (Stratum 1)4.3.2 Area Behind Stratum 1 (Strata 2 & 3)4.3.3 Area Behind Stratum 3 and Adjacent to the OuterBoundary (Stratum 4) 4.3.4 Creepers4.4 Fertilizer and Pesticide Application and Tending of Plantsin the Butterfly Garden 4.5 Some Tips for Landscaping and Garden Setting 4.6 Some Important Butterfly Gardens in India 4.6.1 KFRI Butterfly Garden, Peechi 4.6.2 KFRI Butterfly Garden, Nilambur 4.6.3 Butterfly Safari, Thenmala4.6.4 IOC Butterfly Garden, Pongam 4.6.5 Butterfly Garden, MSSF&RI, Wayanad4.6.6 CWRDM Butterfly Garden, Kozhikode4.6.7 Tropical Butterfly Conservatory, Trichy4.6.8 Butterfly Garden, Nandankanan Biological Park, Odisha4.6.9 Butterfly Gardens in educational Institutions4.6.10 Butterfly Gardens in Homesteads 5. Ex situ Conservation and Indoor Butterfly Conservatories 5.1 History of Butterfly Farming 5.2 Essential Components of a Typical Indoor Butterfly Conservatory (Butterfly House) 5.2.1 Entrance with Gate and Logo 5.2.2 Butterfly Flight Cage 5.2.3 Larval Rearing House 5.2.4 Interpretation Center & Curio Shop 5.2.5. Public Amenities5.3 Technical Requirements 5.3.1. Temperature Regulation in Butterfly Houses5.3.2 Selection of Butterflies 5.3.3 Density of Butterflies in the Flight Cage 5.3.4 Food and feeding of butterflies 5.3.5 Transportation of Live Butterflies5.4. Breeding of Butterflies 5.4.1 Obtaining the Breeding Stock 5.4.2 Egg Production from the Flight Cage5.4.3. Surface Sterilization of Eggs 5.4.4 Larval Rearing Box Rearing5.4.4.2 Cage Rearing5.4.4.3 Sleeve Rearing Pupation, Pupal Care & Handling of Pupae 5.5 Establishment of Host Plants for Butterfly Rearing5.6 Pest and Disease Problems 5.7 Review and Monitoring5.8 Research and Development 5.9 Outreach activities5.10 Commercial Aspects5.11 Value of Butterfly Farming 5. Butterfly Farming and its Role Conserving Genetic Variation 6. Laboratory, Library and Staff Requirements for a Butterfly House 6.1. Rearing Facility 6.2 Lenses, Microscopes, Binoculars and Photographic Equipment 6.3 Chemicals 6.4 Reference Books 7. Plant Requirements for a Butterfly Conservatory 7.1 Herbs and Shrubs 7.2 Trees 7.3 Creepers