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Caraka Samhita As I Understood It Vol.1 Sutra Sthana (Chapter 1-16)

Caraka Samhita As I Understood It Vol.1 Sutra Sthana (Chapter 1-16)

Author:Shivenarain N Gupta
ISBN 13:9789393068200
Language:Sanskrit and English
Subject:Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines

About the Book

Faith is often the boast of the man who is too lazy to investigate. Farquhar McGillivray Knowles. Ancient literature is in aphorism and often in a poetic form. It was useful in remembering the text by heart. It always requires elaboration and practical clarification. Samskrita is a rich language. There may be huge description in small size of writing. There are several meanings of a single word and there are several names for a single entity as carakasamhita itself sites this: santi hyarthantaran samanasabdabhihitänt, santi canarthantarani paryayaśabdabhihitäni (ca.vi.6/4). Often it is needed to decode the ancient writings to make them practically applicable. Therefore, the commentators have done this job time to time excellently. In case of carakasamhita there are about 7 commentaries in samskrita language. However, in Hindi and other Indian languages these may be several. In English usually the original text and earlier commentaries are translated either in complete or in partial form. In recent years, Dr. Gopal K. Basisht MD, Orlando, Florida, USA has done an admirable job in this direction. He under the umbrella of Charak Samhita New Edition, Charak Samhita Research, Training and Development Centre has launched a project in which the chapters of carakasamhita have been translated and commented by different authors. This work is available online. About the Author: Prof. Dr. Shivenarain N. Gupta Distinguished Professor, Post Graduate Department of Kayachikitsa in JS. Ayurveda College, Nadiad (Gujarat), which is the oldest Institute in Gujarat state. He has about 40 years of experience in teaching Ayurveda. He has authored two books on Kayachikitsa and Panchakarma. Both the books have been highly appreciated by medical professionals and medical media of German-speaking European countries. Publication of about 60 scientific articles in national, international, and peer-reviewed journals is credited to him. He was awarded a Gold medal from the University of Indore for his first rank in the final examination of Ayurveda Graduation. On 18th February 2017, he was awarded the Jugatram Vaidya LASTAM award for excellence in teaching in Ayurveda' at BHU during an International Conclave on Translational research in Ayurveda. Awarded 'Fellow of Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth' by Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth (Ministry of AYUSHI, New Delhi. Awarded 'AYURVEDA SHIROMANI' award from All India Ayurveda PG Association. New Delhi March 2019. Excellence in Integrative medicine research Award 2019 (10000 Euros) by The European Society of Integrative Medicine (ESIM) as co-author for the study Reliability of Ayurvedic Diagnosis for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients: A Nested Diagnostic Study within a Randomized Controlled Trial