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Chandankheda Excavations Report (2009-10)

Chandankheda Excavations Report (2009-10)

Author:Pradip S Meshram, Virag G Sontakke, Ashok Singh Thakur and Anand V Bhoyar
Subject:Art and Archaeology/Excavation and Inscriptions

About the Book

CONTENTS: a. Message, b. Foreword, c. Preface, d. Ackowledgements, e. List of Contributors, f. List of Illustratios, A. List of Plates, B. List of Figures, C. List of Tables, 1. Introducton, 2. The Site and Cuttings, 3. Chronology, 4. Structural Remainss and Pottery, 5. Terracotta Objects, 6. Metal, Stone and Bone Objects, 7. Terracotta, Shell and Glass Bangles, 8. Stone and Glass Beads, 9. Numismatics Findings, 10. Study of Faunal remains, 11. Conclusion, Bibliography.