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Changing Trends in Women’s Employment

Changing Trends in Women’s Employment

Author:Dr Mira Savara
ISBN 13:9789352626298
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Women Studies

About the Book

This is an in-depth study of the decline of women’s participation in the workforce in one industry-the textile industry in Bombay. At its inception in 1860, 25% of the labour force was women. This percentage remained stable till 1930 and since then there has been a slow and steady decline so that women form less than 5% of the textile labour force. The textile industry has been one of the most significant industries in the organized sector for women’s employment. Moreover, the initial labour legislations regarding women were passed in relation to the conditions exiting in the textile industry. Contents- 1. Introduction 2. The sexual division of labour 3. Controlling women’s hour of work 4. Women and labour legislation 5. Rationalisation and women 6. Struggles and organisations attitude Towards women 7. Working class women view their own lives 8. Conclusions About the Author: Mira Savara is a research consultant working on various issues affecting women. After her schooling in Cathedral, Bombay, she did her B.A. at Reed College, USA. Her Ph.D., on which this study is based, was done at Bombay University. She has worked in rural and urban development groups, and been an active member of the women’s movement. She is currently working on a study of women and the food Processing Industry and a study on “Women and the Urban Informal Sector”.