ChE Triad (Lecture Notes Series Chemical Engineering)
Author: | Nishith Verma |
ISBN 13: | 9788119662920 |
Binding: | Hardbound |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2024 |
Subject: | Science and Technology |
About the Book
CONTENTS: Transport Phenomena
1 Introduction (Review of Basic Mathematical Tools)
2 General Property Balance (Continuum)
3 Linear Momentum Balance
4 Dimensional Analysis
5 Mechanical/Kinetic Energy Balance
6 Coupling Between Energy & Momentum Equations: Free Convection or Buoyance - Driven Flow
7 Equation of Change for Species
8 Prototype Example 1: Rayleigh Problem or Stoke’s First Problem
9 Prototype Example 2: Unsteady-State Laminar Flow or Start-up Flow in a Tube
10 Prototype Example 3: Flow in a Permeable Tube or Bundles of Hollow Fibers (Lubrication Approximation)
11 Prototype Example 4: Heat (Mass) Transfer in Laminar Flow in a Circular Tube
12 Prototype Example 5: Graetz Problem
13 Prototype Example 6: Brinkman Problem (Viscous Heating)
14 Prototype Example 7: (Natural Convection: Coupling Between Hydrodynamics and Energy)
14 Prototype Example 8: Steady-State Diffusion through a Stagnant Gas Film (Film Theory)
14 Prototype Example 9: Diffusion into a Falling Film (Surface Renewal Theory)
15 Prototype Example 10: Taylor Dispersion or Taylor–Aris Diffusion/Dispersion
16 Prototype Example 11: Strained Diffusion Controlled Reaction
17 Prototype Example 12: Simultaneous Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transport
18 Introduction to the Second Part of the Course
19 Boundary Layer Theory
20 Blasius Solution to BL Equations
21 Thermal and Mass Boundary Layer Theory
22 Turbulent Flow: Some Mathematical Analysis
23 Prototype Example 13: Reduction of BL Convection– Diffusion Equation
23 Prototype Example 14: Flow Over a Plate with Uniform Suction
24 Prototype Example 15: Diffusion to Free Falling Solid Particles (Levich)
25 Prototype Example 16: Mass Transfer to a Slowly Falling (Liquid) Drop in a Vapor or Gas
26 Prototype Example 17: Convection/diffusion to the Surface of a Circular Rotating Disk (Levich)
27 Prototype Example 18: CFD-based Transport Modelling of a CVD Reactor
Finite Difference-based Numerical Methods
1 Introduction (Applications/Examples in Chemical Engineering) Objective
2 Linear Algebraic Equations
3 Gauss Elimination
4 Gauss-Jordan
5 Matrix Inverse AA-1 = I
6 Thomas Algorithm (Tridiagonal Matrix)
7 Homogeneous Linear Algebraic Equations
8 Homogeneous Linear Algebraic Equations (continued)
9 Example of Eigenvalue or Characteristic Type of Problem
10 Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
11 Newton-Raphson (Multi-Variables)
12 Function Approximation: Interpolation
13 Newton’s Interpolation Formula
14-15 Numerical Integration
15-16 First Order ODE
17 Single Step Methods
18 Example 1 (RK-4)
19 Instability and stiffness for a system of ODEs
20 BVP (Boundary Value Problems)/2nd Order ODEs
21 BVP: 2nd Order ODEs (continued)
22 ID Parabolic PDE
23 Examples
24 Elliptic PDE (Method of Lines)
24 Example 1
25 Example 2: Elliptic PDE
26 Time-Dependent 2D Parabolic PDE: ADI Method
27 Example (ADI)
Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction Engineering
1 Introduction
2 Introduction (continued)
3 Another Example of Developing Rate Expression for a Non-elementary Reaction
4 Reactors
5 Non-ideal Reactors (continued)
6 RTD (continued)
7 RTD (continued)
8 Non-Segregated Model
9 Dispersion Model
10 Catalysts and Catalytic Reactions
11 Adsorption/Desorption
12 Examples
13 Characterization of a Catalyst
14 Materials Characterization (continued)
15 Examples
16 Special Cases (continued)
17 Non-porous Catalyst (Interphase + Reaction)
18 Porous Catalyst (Intraphase Transport + Kinetics)
19-20 Examples
20-21 Examples
22 nth Order Reaction, Intraphase Transport + Reaction, Non-isothermal
23-24 Examples
24-25 Examples
26-27 Tubular Packed Bed Reactor
28 Deactivation (Catalyst).