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Chetna Heroes:Spreading Goodness

Chetna Heroes:Spreading Goodness

Author:Mission Chetna
ISBN 13:9789394534094
Subject:Biography and Autobiography

About the Book

Chetna is a movement to recognise, appreciate and support goodness in the world. Living up to its mission of ‘Spreading Goodness’ and with the aim of inspiring many to follow goodness in life, the Chetna honours men and women across India, who are brave enough to go against the flow and reach out to help other individuals and families in need. These men and women are recognised as Chetna Heroes. Chetna Heroes are those people who have chosen to speak up through their deeds. None of them began their activities for social good as a broad-based, well-planned and well-funded program. They simply responded to silent cries for help of people they came into contact with and they did not stop after answering the first cry. These Chetna Heroes continued to ask themselves—“What more can I do?”, “Who else needs this type of assistance?” The answers to these questions shaped their lives into the stories of inspiration that they are today. Chetna is presenting this Coffee Table Book—CHETNA HEROES—To appreciate applaud the dedication and selfless service of these great human beings. We believe that the stories of ‘Chetna Heroes’ will inspire many to follow suit, in embracing and supporting goodness. This very thought is the basis of publishing this Coffee Table Book.About the Author Chetna is an initiative of Prama Jyoti Foundation to recognise, appreciate, support and collectively reward those, who have chosen goodness as their way of life. This is a movement to identify and present stories of those larger-than-life heroes amongst us, who give selflessly to the world at large. These selfless souls are honoured as ‘Chetna Hero’—the individuals working selflessly to awaken the conscience of society by ‘Spreading Goodness’ silently. We hope that their stories will motivate you, others and many. At the same time, we endeavour to create an environment of support for their cause and others who wish to pursue their heart’s desire to contribute to the society or those who would simply want to follow someone else’s idea. We are trying to help in enhancing the lives of those following goodness and thus set an example for others to follow goodness as their first option! It is an endeavour to honour the many altruists amongst us and thank them on behalf of their many beneficiaries and for the vision they have projected. Chetna promises and provides life long emotional, moral, professional, financial and organizational support to the Chetna Heroes so that they never deviate from the path of goodness. The only return promise Chetna takes from Chetna Heroes is that they shall create 5 people like themselves in 10 years so that the ‘Chain of Goodness’ keeps expanding and goodness keeps spreading more and more. The next objective of Chetna is to inspire at least ten lakh people in five years so that they choose goodness as way of life.