China and Russia: A Lifeline to North Korea
Author: | Ashutosh Kumar |
ISBN 13: | 9788193589342 |
Binding: | Hardbound |
Language: | English |
Year: | 2018 |
Subject: | Books on China |
About the Book
Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. China's oil lifeline to North Korea becomes sanctions target. 3. Russia providing 'Lifeline' to North Korea. 4. Trump's strategy for dealing with North Korea. 5. The China-North Korea relationship and oil lifeline. 6. China-North Korea border and support to lifeline. 7. North Korea-Russia relations and support to lifeline. 8. North Korea-Russia border and supply to fuel. 9. North Korea's economic planning and development. 10. Nuclear weapons of North Korea.
Aside from governments in China, Russia and other places that do not wish the West well, the international community has rightly been preoccupied with the dire implications of a nuclear-armed North Korea. But, even without those weapons of mass destruction (including chemical and biological munitions), successive Kim regimes in Pyongyang have already inflicted an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe on generations of the North Korean people. Since the Korean War, Beijing has avoided prodding North Korea to the point it might collapse, fearing a destabilizing economic blow and the possibility of the U.S. military gaining influence on its border via a unified Korea. That calculation has held even while China’s interests have diverged from those of North Korea. Russia is quietly boosting economic support for North Korea to try to stymie any U.S.-led push to oust Kim Jong Un as Moscow fears his fall would sap its regional clout and allow U.S. troops to deploy on Russia’s eastern border. Russian tankers have supplied fuel to North Korea on at least three occasions in recent months by transferring cargoes at sea, according to two senior Western European security sources, providing an economic lifeline to the secretive Communist state. It is further hoped that the book will prove to be of immense value to teachers, students and researchers.