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China\'s Emerging Geostrategy in the Indian Ocean Region: A Critical Analysis

China\'s Emerging Geostrategy in the Indian Ocean Region: A Critical Analysis

Author:Jaskaran Singh Waraich
ISBN 13:9788172737559
Subject:Military Studies

About the Book

Indian Ocean, the only ocean named after a country, is the third-largest body of water in the world, covering about 20 percent of the Earth's water surface. The IOR contains 1/3 of the world's population, 25 percent of its landmass, and 40 percent of the world's oil and gas reserves. It is the locus of important international Sea Lanes of Communication (SLOCs). This Region has long been a hub of great power rivalry. The struggle for its domination has been a perennial feature of global politics. This book attempts to highlight China's growing strides into the IOR in conjunction with its naval modernisation plans, which is an emerging challenge for India in the 21st century. China's policy of 'encirclement and containment' of India is a part of its Indian Ocean strategy. Beijing's growing strategic partnerships, in garb of economic cooperation, in India's neighbourhood, especially with South Asian countries is a key concern in Indian strategic landscape.