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Church and State Relations in Pauline Epistles: Its Implications for Religion and Politics in Mizoram

Church and State Relations in Pauline Epistles: Its Implications for Religion and Politics in Mizoram

Author:R Lalrinliana
ISBN 13:9789351483649
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

This book has mapped out the relationship between the Church and State from the setting of the Greco-Roman world. It also beautifully brought to light the socio-political context of the Roman Empire. In the socio-political milieu of the text, it skillfully unearths Paul's exhortation to Christians to be subservient to rulers and authorities acknowledging the sovereignty of God. This book will be immensely influential and effective in developing the perception of religion and politics, the involvement of the Church in political dealings and the prophetic role of the Church for the overall well-being and development of the society especially for the people of Mizoram. Contents Foreword Preface List of Abbreviations 1. Research Problem and Methodological Consideration 2. The Milieu of Greco-Roman World 3. The Understanding of a State in the Bible 4. An Exegetical Study of the Selected Texts 5. Implications for Religion and Politics in Mizoram with Reference to Church and State Relations in Pauline Epistles 6. Conclusion Bibliography Rev. R. Lalrinliana is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of India, Mizoram Synod. He obtained his B. Th (2003) and B. D. (2006) degrees from Aizawl Theological College, Durtlang, Mizoram and M. Th. (2017) degree from The United Theological College, Bangalore. Both institutions are affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University). After serving as a Pastor for 7 years in Mizoram and Nepal, he joined the Faculty of Aizawl Theological College in 2019. He is presently Assistant Professor in the Department of Biblical Studies and teaches New Testament. He has published 3 books in Mizo, namely - Bible Hriatzauna Puitu (Bible General Knowledge), Bible Chang Zawnawlna (Bible Concordance), Paula leh A Zirtirnate (The Life and Teachings of Paul) and 1 book in Nepali-The Revelation of God in the New Testament.