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Citizenship and Governance (HB)

Citizenship and Governance (HB)

Author:Sunita Mangla
ISBN 13:9788174791689
Subject:Indian Politics and International Relations

About the Book

The book tries to analyse how government and citizen relationship are changing in the globalized world. Government to Citizen relationship is the most basic aspect of any democratic governance. In modern times, Government deals with many aspects of the life of a citizen. The relation of a citizen with the Government starts with the birth and ends with the death of the citizen. A person transacts with the Government on every corner of his life. May it be birth registration, marriage registration, divorce or death registration? The Government to Citizen relation will include the services provided by the Government to the Citizens. These services include the public utility services i.e. Security, Telecommunication, Transportation, Post, Medical facilities, Electricity, Education and also some of the democratic services relating to the citizenship such as Certification, Registration, Licensing, Taxation, Passports, and ID Cards etc. Having committed ourselves to democracy, rule of law and human rights for organizing governance and addressing the aspirations of the people, the legitimate ways for resolving the problems have to be found within the framework of the Indian Constitution. The Constitution is not just a law or an instrument of governance. It is a social and moral document embodying the manifesto or vision of one billion Indians, diverse in several respects but united in terms of the social contract to build a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular and Democratic Republic. The philosophy of the constitution, its role in reconstructing Indian society and the relative roles and responsibilities of citizens and the State are inadequately understood by those in charge of governance and the people for whom the system is designed. The first step towards addressing the challenges we face today is to re-visit the original social contract and the preambulary promises made to form the Republic and look at the design of governance critically. Constitutionalism is imperative for democratic governance in a plural society under a federal structure. The book discusses about how governance and processes are taking shape in India and how the nation is coping with the challenges created by the today?s globalized world.