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Colonial to Postcolonial Studies: A Literary Insight

Colonial to Postcolonial Studies: A Literary Insight

Author:S Sujaritha
ISBN 13:9789355291974
Subject:Education and Psychology

About the Book

Though colonisation is politically ended in the world, this work tries to present the existence of mental colonisation in the contemporary decolonised countries. Academicians from the present imperial nations are creating discourses about colonisation. Their desire to project colonisation as a positive strategy and their suggestion to re-colonise the decolonised places may become a 'Truth' in future. Sensing chances for such threat this book presents a detailed account of colonisation, its history, decolonisation, Postcolonial Studies, Key concepts and Key thinkers of Postcolonial Studies to the younger generation. The book elaborates the role of English literature and colonial discourses in spreading colonisation (physically and mentally). Moreover the success of colonial discourse analysis in enabling people to understand the mental colonisation is done in detail. The book discusses the works of seven great Postcolonial thinkers: Aime Cesaire, Frantz Fanon, Chinua Achebe, Ngugi wa Thiongo, Edward Said, Homi K Bhabha, and Gayatri Chakravorthy Spivak. About the Author Dr. S. Sujaritha is at present working as an Assistant Professor of English at Pondicherry University Community College, a Constituent College of Pondicherry University, Puducherry. Her Doctoral Research is on diaspora literature and Bakhtin's theory of 'chronotope' and her research field of interests are Diaspora Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Feminism. Her research articles, numbering over thirty were published in reputed national and international journals and anthologies. She has delivered key note speech in conferences and presented her research papers in around fifty National and International conferences. She also has a blog 'Summary of English Essays (Literature) with around fifty posts of summary of English essays, poetry and drama aiming to facilitate the student fraternity.