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Corruption and its Control

Corruption and its Control

Author:Varagur S. Muralidharan
ISBN 13:9789352623396
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Social problems Social welfare

About the Book

Everyone feels corruption but to define it in many ways are preferred. Ethical, social, legal and economical definitions do exist. The ecological definition is the exploitation of natural resources for personal gains. The book is designed to introduce the subject of Corruption in the first part. The second part is devoted to Corruption control methods. Four selected sectors like health, education, revenue and defense sectors are presented in Part three. Ancient civilizations in Rome, Egypt, China and India also suffered from corruption. Various types of corruption like petty, grand, grey, black and in police with eight forms of corruption, viz., bribe, fraud, embezzlement, favoritism, extortion, discretion power, conflict of interest and illegal contribution are known. Corruption has bad influence on business, public resources, wealth, fundamental rights, civil and political rights and international trades. Numerous international organizations started to measure the extent of corruption. Well-known models like economic growth, game theory, multiple indicators and multiple causes and various simulation models are known. Globalization affects a nation and corruption becomes enhanced. Accountability, strict legal and regulatory sector, E-governance, transparency in all government transactions and the right of citizens to know what government does are some of the corruption control measures. To control corruption, a strong political will, leadership, role of newspaper, television and internet and other mass communication channels are necessary. Private companies should also contribute to corruption control. The purpose of this book is to educate the public, students and government officials about corruption and its influence on society. This book may be prescribed as a text book in schools along with other teaching subjects in civics, economics, law and moral sciences. Contents - PART ONE