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COVID – 19 Complexities and Consequences: Reflections from a Christian Perspective

COVID – 19 Complexities and Consequences: Reflections from a Christian Perspective

Author:Edited by Dr Bonnie Miriam Jacob
ISBN 13:9789394507180
Subject:Medical Sciences

About the Book

BOOK REVIEWS The most pressing issue faced by us globally since 2020 is the COVID-19 pandemic… It is in this context that the present publication becomes critically relevant. The authors of the essays from their different contexts and expertise, have well elucidated the issues involved and persuasively presented what a Christian response to them should be. How do we, as believers in God the Almighty stomach great losses such as, death of many people, national economic disaster, masses slipping into poverty, the increased sufferings of migrant workers, women and children, growth in domestic violence, an increase in thefts and crimes, surge of misinformation, and `long-covid’ and its effects? The essays prod us to think about how the word of God helps us to face our challenges today. How should Christ’s community work toward the ‘future normal’ to provide a better world for us? In what ways are Christ-likeness in us expressed as we face the challenges? The book provides no road map for the coming years—none can— but it poses some challenges we all need to face squarely. It provides biblical anchored principles by which we can face tomorrow with courage and hope. Dr. Saphir Athyal Formerly the Principal of Union Biblical Seminary, Pune Over the years TRACI Conferences have focused on themes that have contemporary relevance. In the midst of the pandemic this conference captures the learning, experiences and inferences at that particular period of time even while being unaware of the path ahead and the uncertainty of what is going to unfold as the days progress. The pandemic has affected individuals, families, societies and nations in various ways not sparing any aspect of life’s multifaceted dimensions. It is worthwhile to document the journey, examining the complexities and the consequences of the pandemic. A pertinent need was also about how, as Christians, we think through the situation. Sound and critical thinking evolving from the Scripture will form the basis for an adequate response, which channelizes everyone’s efforts to serve the most needy. The different papers in this book arise from a concern for the social, economic and political issues during the pandemic and shaped by their Christian faith and commitment and the deep desire and hope to see the world as a just and equitable place.