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Curriculum, Pedagogy and Evaluation

Curriculum, Pedagogy and Evaluation

Author:H S Srivastava
ISBN 13:9789388691338
Subject:Education and Psychology

About the Book

The common man, as also the professional educationalists often use the terms ‘Curriculum’, ‘Pedagogy’, and ‘Evaluation’ as stand-alone entities often without perception or appreciation of the linkages that establish the critical relationships among them. In fact, these linkages constitute the basic fabric of education and the genesis of its foundations. Curriculum is the core source of the ramifications and manifestations of education, which it assumes from time to time, based on the basic purpose it is designed to realise. Pedagogy is the strategy pressed into service for transacting the curriculum. It is commonly conceived as a compendium of educational methodologies for accomplishing the tasks for which it uses content and other support material. Evaluation on the other hand, enables us to know about the degree and kind of assimilation of knowledge, acquisitions of personal and social qualities, development of interests, attitudes, values and proficiencies in out-door activities. The curriculum and its transaction, therefore, have but to provide opportunities for growth, in respect of all the above attainments and facets of personalityand evaluation is to be fully utilised for not only judging the nature, quality and the quantum of the level of acquired growth, butmore so for further improving the same. This in short is the genesis of the present work and it is hoped to serve the researchers and students of education in the pursuit of their objectives.