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Cyborg Anthropology: Theological Engagement with Posthuman Discourses

Cyborg Anthropology: Theological Engagement with Posthuman Discourses

Author:Mathew, Merin
ISBN 13:9789351484974
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The Book deals with the question of understanding human being in a context embedded in Cyberspace. The imagery of Cyborg is used under the Posthuman discourse to engage with created Co-Creator paradigm suggested by Philip Hefner. The Christological explorations under such a paradigm which leads to authentic human formation is the search and quest of this book. The work is a dialogue in the Theology Technology conversation and tries to engage with some of the questions where there is a Human Being –Technology continuum. Contents Foreword Acknowledgement Abbreviations Introduction 1. Searching the Anthropological Corollary in the Context of Cyberspace 2. Exploring the Landscape of Theological Anthropology 3. Hybridity: Cyborg and Created Co-Creator as Dialogical Partners 4. Reworking Created Co-Creator in Search of an Authentic Christian Human Formation Final Conclusion Bibliography