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Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church

Disaffiliation from the Catholic Church

Author:Kevin Otieno Mwandha
ISBN 13:9789351486503
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The book concerns not only the question of those who abandon the Church but also discusses the problem of real belonging and effective communion in the Church. Without neglecting the interdisciplinary perspective, the point of view adopted by the author is mainly that of canon law. The book provides useful indications to pastors and faithful not only to address clearly the complex problem of disaffiliation but also and above all to better look after communion in the Church of Christ in view of the salvation of souls. Contents Foreword Abbreviations Introduction I. MEMBERSHIP IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1. Some Texts from the Holy Scripture on the Membership of Believers 2. Baptism of Infants and Persons who Lack Habitual Use of Reason 3. Catechumenate and Baptism of Adults 4. Some Conciliar Teachings on Baptism and Membership 4.1. Some Conciliar Teachings before the Vatican Council II 4.2. Some Teachings of the Vatican Council II 5. Baptism as a Juridical Element for Communion 5.1. Baptismal Dignity and the Bond of Communion 5.2. A Call to Witness the Gift of Communio Sanctorum 5.3. The Obligation to Maintain Communion with the Catholic Church 5.4. The Baptised not in Full Communion with the Catholic Church 5.5. Juridical Elements of Baptism and Catholic Faith 6. Juridical Capacity and Consequences of Baptismal Consent 6.1. Juridical Capacity to Give Baptismal Consent 6.2. Some Juridical Consequences of Baptismal Consent 7. The Bonds of Full Communion with the Catholic Church 7.1. The Profession of Faith 7.2. The Sacraments 7.3. The Ecclesiastical Governance II. ABANDONING THE FULL COMMUNION WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1. Preliminary Notes and Status Quaestionis 2. Notorious-public or Occult Disaffiliation 2.1. Public Disaffiliation 2.2. Notorious Disaffiliation 2.3. Relationship between Notorious and Public Disaffiliation 2.4. Occult or Quasi-Occult Disaffiliation 3. Some Delicts Against the Faith and Unity of the Church 3.1. Apostasy 3.2. Schism 3.3. Heresy 4. Juridical Consequences of Disaffiliation 4.1. The Retired 1917 CIC: Notorious and Public Defection 4.2. The 1983 CIC and 1990 CCEO on Notorious-Public Defection III. FORMAL ACT OF DEFECTION FROM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1. Preliminary Notes 2. Description and Causes 2.1. Description of Formal Act of Defection 2.2. Causes of Formal Act of Defection 3. Codicial Texts and Commentaries 3.1. Can. 1086 § 1 CIC - Disparity of Worship 3.2. Can. 1117 CIC - The Canonical Form of the Celebration of Marriage 3.3. Can. 1124 CIC - Mixed Marriages 4. Theological-Juridical Elements and Administrative Procedure 4.1. Theological-Juridical Elements 4.2. Administrative Procedure 4.3. The Legality of Church Documents 5. Penalties, Challenges and Abrogation 5.1. Penalties 5.2. Challenges 5.3. Abrogation 6. The Effects of Abrogation and the Force of Law ex cann. 9 and 11 CIC 6.1. The Principle of Non-retroactivity ex can. 9 CIC 6.2. The Subjects of Ecclesiastical Laws ex can. 11 CIC IV. SO ME PROPOSALS TOWARDS RESTORING THE FULL COMMUNION 1. Understandig the Text and the Spirit of Ecclesiastical Laws 2. Understanding the Meaning of Freedom of Worship 3. Promoting Other Means of Economic Sustenance for the Church 3.1. Special Requests Such as Grants and Appeals 3.2. Ecclesiastical Tax Levies 3.3. Mass Offerings or Stips 3.4. Begging for Alms or Quests 3.5. Special Collection 3.6. Free Donations or Contributions 4. Pastoral Care Towards Readmission to Full Communion CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY About the Author: Prof. Kevin Otieno Mwandha, SDB, is a Professor of Canon law and the Director of the Institute of Dogmatic Theology at the Salesian Pontifical University (Rome). He is also an invited Lecturer at the Pontifical Beda College (Rome). Earlier he has been an invited Lecturer at Tangaza University College (Nairobi -Kenya), Salesian Theological College (Nairobi), and at Jerusalem Campus (Israel).