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Dravyaguna-Vijnanam: A Textbook of Pharmacology

Dravyaguna-Vijnanam: A Textbook of Pharmacology

Author:Prof K Nishteswar and Rahul Dutta Karra
ISBN 13:9788170848509
Subject:Ayurveda Medicinal plants and Herbal Medicines

About the Book

Ayurveda came about as a science at a time when Spiritualism and Yogic procedures failed to stop the spread of diseases and epidemics. Indian sages evolved the tenets of samanya (generic concomitance), vishesha (variant factor), guna (quality), dravya (substance), karma (action) and samavaya (inseparable concomitance) for raising the span of life. These principles form the substances of therapeutics. The subject of Ayurveda is divided into eight disciplines (Astanga Ayurveda) and all the specialties include the application of dravyas (food/drug) to achieve the ultimate goal i.e., restoration of health. In view of the importance of Dravya, Guna and Karma among six principles, Acharya Yadavji Trikamji , the erudite scholar of Ayurveda, formulated the subject of Dravyaguna Vijnana which is being taught currently at undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) formulated the curriculum and divided the subject matter into two papers. First paper deals with fundamental concepts of Dravyaguna Sastra and second paper contains the details of Pharmaco-therapeutics of various drugs. The book on second paper is already published and the information about concepts mentioned in the first paper is presented in this book. Recent researches about these concepts are quoted according to necessity while explaining the principles of drug action.