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Dryland Resources and Technology Volume 8

Dryland Resources and Technology Volume 8

Author:L L Somani, K N Bansal and R A Sharma
ISBN 13:9788172330828
Subject:Botanical Science/Agronomy

About the Book

Contents: Soil Moisture use by Crop Plants Effect of Water deficit on symbiotic nitrogen fixation legumes Characterization of resources and their efficient management for sustainable productivity of rainfed crops grown on black clay soils Crop production with sodic water Management options for vertisols and associated soils of central and peninsular India Present status of plant virological research for the arid and semi-arid tracts of Rajasthan and Future strategies An assessment of genetic variability in Setaria italica (L.) Beauv. Increasing fertilizer use efficiency in dryland farming An integrated approach towards increased and sustained production from drylands of Eastern Uttar Pradesh Amelioration of Alkali Soils Through Flyash Drylands cover a vast area of earth. There is a growing awareness to have optimal exploitation of their resources and to ameliorate living conditions therein. This serial publication provides an international and multidisciplinary perspective of new ideas and technological developments relevant to drylands and their environment. Coverage widely includes topics such as natural resources, energy alternatives and applications; water management, resources development, desalination and usage (salinity, wastewater, etc.); land management and forestry; buildings and transporation; human and animal comfort; food and fodder; etc.