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DYNAMICS OF ART, FAITH AND CULTURE: Theological Essays of Dr P Solomon Raj

DYNAMICS OF ART, FAITH AND CULTURE: Theological Essays of Dr P Solomon Raj

Author:Edited by B S Moses Kumar
ISBN 13:9789351485308
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

Dynamics of Art, Faith and Culture is an anthology of theological essays by Dr. P. Solomon Raj. This commemorative compilation consists of 37 essays on themes dearer to his heart, and this is a rich treasure of his theological reflection. Twenty of these essays are on ‘Art, Faith and Culture’, nine essays on ‘Story Telling, Poetry, Song and Dance’ and eight essays on ‘Missions.' Some of these were presented in Germany at Heidelberg University, Loccum Academy, Academy Bad Boll, Stuttgart, at Martin Luther University, Halle and also in Netherlands, the U.K., the U.S.A., Canada and India. Again, some of these essays were published in Journals such as Verbum SVD, Exchange, IMAGE, International Review of Missions (WCC), Dharma Deepika, and Contemporary Christian. Some of these essays are published in books like ‘Dictionary of Mission Theology: Evangelical Foundations,’ ‘The Bible and the Technologies of the Word,’ ‘Christianity in India: Search for Liberation and Identity,’ ‘Living Flame and Springing Fountain,’ ‘Etched Icons: Art Faith and Culture,’ ‘St. John’s Gospel: A Gallery of Hieratic Art,’ ‘Geetha Malika,’ ‘The Yobel Spring’ and ‘We, The Church … Studies in Mission and Evangelization.’ May these Lectures once delivered in those halls of learning, enlightening the respective audience of the times, and those published in such journals blessing the respective readership, continue to speak to new generations through the pages of this volume! Contents Preface: A Star Ever Shining! Meet the Artist-Theologian! Foreword: P. Solomon Raj: Reinvigorated Scholar (1921-2019) Section I: On Art, Faith and Culture 1. My Story as a Christian Artist 2. My Experiments with Art Expression 3. What is Art and Why This Study? 4. Art, Faith and Culture 5. Art and the Gospel 6. The Prophetic Role of a Christian Artist 7. Artistic Creativity and Prophetic Gift 8. The Influence of Indian Culture on the Church in India With Reference to its art Forms, Image and Liturgy 9. Christian Art in India: A Survey of Recent Trends 10. Christian Art in India: Present Trends and Future Prospects 11. Indian Church and its Response to Culture with Special Reference to Fine Arts and Literature 12. The Bible Seen Through the Cultures of India With Special Reference to India's Art Forms 13. Religious Perceptions of the Masses (Dalits and Tribals) and Their Artistic Expression 14. Passion and Glory of Christ Our Lord as the Artist Sees 15. Indigenization of the Gospel through Art 16. Images in the Bible 17. The Place of Images in Communication With Special Reference to Theological Education 18. Icons in Worship and Renewal 19. 'Prologue' to Etched Icons 20. christianity and Art Section II: On Story Telling, Poetry, Song and Dance 21. Story-Telling in India With Special Reference to Telugu Language 22. Christian Prabandha Literature 23. Songs of the Pilgrim Churches: The Story of Hymm Tradition of the Indigenous Mission Churches in Andhra Pradesh, India 24. Christian Song Tradition in India with Special Reference to the Prople of Andhra Pradesh Speaking Telugu Language 25. Song Tradition of Telugu-speaking Christians: With Special Reference to the Songs of the Christian Church 26. Dance and Musical Plays in Telugu With Special Reference to Their Subject Matter Content 27. Kim Karthavyam: A Biblical Dance Ballet with a Contemporary Message 28. Image and Song in the Service of Communication 29. Communications and the Gospel Section III: On Missions 30. Christianity Among the Kammas and Reddys of Andhra Pradesh 31. Indigenous Missions 32. The Christian Theology of Inculturation 33. The Influence of Pentecostal Teaching on Some Folk christian Religious in India 34, The Significance of St. Luke's Teachings to the Contemporary Christian Communities in India 35. Father Devadas and the Story of a Folk Church in India 36. Kosuke Koyama: Is there Anything We Can Learn from His Theological Thought? 37. The Future of Christianity in India