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Economic Growth in India: Global and Domestic Challenges

Economic Growth in India: Global and Domestic Challenges

Author:Abhishek Kumar and Ipseeta Satpathy
ISBN 13:9789388147293

About the Book

This book “Economic Growth in India : Global and Domestic Challenges” is a modest attempt, not only focusing on the theoretical and descriptive framework but unfolds in a systematic manner making it more analytical and comprehensive so that it may easily be accessible to the readers. In this respect, this book examines the problem of economic growth in India relating to global and domestic challenges. This book comprises scattered articles of eminent scholars of India related to economic growth in India and they have done much to enrich the subject matter of economic development. Embodied with imbibed ideas of various writers, this book is the fruit of thorough research on the subject and it is hoped that the wide-ranging topics enlivened by interesting discussions will be liked by both the uninitiated and initiated illustrations data, tables and references that come in steady profusion in the study will help clear many foggy and confusing areas of our economy and place it is clear and authentic perspective without making the book heavy going. Contents include : Globalization and Farm-Goods Availability Towards a Free Market Trade; Determinants of Economic Growth; Role of Savings and Capital Accumulation in Indian Economic Growth; Sectoral Convergence, Economic Reforms and Growth in the Indian Economy; Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth; Monetary Policy for Maintaining Balance between Inflation and Growth; Paradigm Shifts in the Monetary Policy of India to Attain Symmetry between Growth and Inflation; Growth Performance and Structural Transformations of Public Debt in Punjab; An Analysis on Trade Relationship between India and Asean : With Reference to Economic Growth of India; Make in India : Impact on Indian Economy; Impact of Make in India on Entrepreneurship; Make in India : An Analysis on Manufacturing Sector; Challenges for Economic Growth in India; Cashless Economy in India : Challenges and Remedies (A Case Study); Challenges and Benefits of Cashless Economy in India; Demonetization and the Growth of Cashless Economy in India; Banking Growth in Gujarat : Retrospect and Prospect; Non-Performing Assets of Indian Banking System and Remedies on it, Role of Asset Quality Review in NPA Management by Indian Banks; Load Dynamics of Power Exchange Transactions at India Energy Exchange.