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Emergency Arbitration Procedures

Emergency Arbitration Procedures

Author:Dr Parineeta Goswami
ISBN 13:9788119119264

About the Book

The book delves into the intricacies of emergency arbitration procedures, highlighting their significance in the evolving landscape of international trade and cross-border transactions. Despite its global acknowledgement and incorporation within institutional structures, the book underscores India's reluctance to officially recognize emergency arbitration in its legal frameworks, creating a gap in addressing the need for expedited dispute resolution. Through a comprehensive analysis of emergency arbitration provisions and their enforcement mechanisms, the book emphasizes the potential benefits of incorporating emergency arbitration clauses into the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996. By the arbitration ecosystem, reduction of judicial interference, and facilitation of immediate redressal for parties involved in arbitration proceedings. The book explores the enforcement challenges and concerns associated with emergency arbitration, shedding light on the discrepancies between domestic and international emergency arbitration rules. Despite its advantages over court-ordered interim measures, the book acknowledges the underutilization of emergency arbitration mechanisms in India due to uncertainties surrounding its recognition. However, by advocating for the revision of arbitration legislation to permit the execution of emergency arbitration decisions, the book offers insights into how nations can enhance their dispute resolution systems and foster a conducive economic environment. Ultimately, the book underscores the importance of emergency arbitration in streamlining dispute resolution processes, mitigating court interference, and advancing India's position as a global arbitration center.