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Faith and Pandemic: Covid-19 in Perspectives Towards Theo-Pandemology

Faith and Pandemic: Covid-19 in Perspectives Towards Theo-Pandemology

Author:Edited by Songram Basumatary and Wilson Paluri
ISBN 13:9789351486299
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

The book Faith and Pandemic is yet another bold theological step of Gurukul in it adventurous journey “Towards Bold Theological Vision” which critically examines the impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Faith and the conventional theological responses to human suffering from diseases, natural calamities and disasters. The book basically tries to answer the basic question – “How do we understand and face the Covid-19 Pandemic that has shaken the entire world unlike ever before impacting every realm of human life across faith communities, caste/class, and colour in an unprecedented proportion?” The distinctive contribution of the volume is the neologism, a new theological construct – Theo-pandemology that brings new light on the very perception of God, of human suffering and of faith/religion and make a radical counter against the theological normativity or simplistic theological answers to the question of human suffering. Notwithstanding the radical theological challenge, the book also provides viable practical responses to existential and theological questions raised by common people suffering from Covid-19 Pandemic and its impacts. Contents Introduction 1. Faith and Pandemic: Divesting into the Reality and Theological Challenges M. Peter Singh 2. Disease, Death, and Human Body in Hebrew Bible: A Pandemic Perspective! John Samuel 3. Understanding the Covid-19 Pandemic with the Eye of Hebrew Bible: Towards Enunciating Theologies from the Old Testament in the Context of Pandemic Aravind Jeyakumar Moniraj 4. Reading Book of Job Theologically from Pandemic Perspective Nagaiyasamy N. S. Samuel 5. Pestilence-Plagues and Empire in New Testament V. John Pradeep Kumar 6. Covid and the Aged: The Metaphor of Soma as a Hermeneutical Paradigm for Caring the Elderly Edwin Jebaraj 7. ‘Woman, Arise!’ Rethinking Sickness and Death in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic Shanthi Sudha Monica 8. Major Pandemics in the World History: An Overview David Joseph Raj 9. Pandemic and Early Christian Responses: Insights for Holistic Christian Witness Babu. C 10. Paradigm Shifts in Understanding Mission and Ministry of the Church in Covid-19 Pandemic Context K. Vijayan 11. Covid-19 and Migrants: Redefining Faith Amidst Challenges Rebecca Azariah 12. Covid-19 and Children: Towards a Holistic Mission Partnership Vinod S. Sailus 13. Religion as a ‘Social Determinant’: An Exploration of the Responses of Faith Communities to Pandemics Giri Krishnan 14. Pursuing Daivika Svasthya in the Course of Maraka: A Hindu Theo-epidemiological Appraisal Wilson Paluri 15. New Media: A Caregiver for the Aged D. Samuel Sounderaraj Singh 16. Dalit Feminist Christology of Ubuntu during Double Pandemic Nelavala Gnana Prasuna 17. Covid-19: A Call for Theological Equilibrium J. Daniel Kirubaraj 18. Faith and Pandemic: Towards a Transgressive Theology and Ethics Mervin Shinoj Boas 19. Theo-ethical Analysis of Pandemic and Faith: An Exploration Towards Theo-pandemology Songram Basumatary Contributors Rev. Dr. Songram Basumatary is an ordained minister of the Northern Evangelical Lutheran Church (NELC) who hails from Assam, India. Currently he teaches at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, Chennai as Professor and HoD of the Department of Theology & Ethics and also serves the College as Principal. He has written and published wide varieties of articles and edited number of books. He is the author of the book – Ethnicity and Tribal Theology: Problem and Prospect for Peaceful Co-existence in North East India published by Peter Lang (2014); and co-author of the book – Your History is not of Our Story: Reimaging Historiography of North East India published by Christian World Imprints (2019). Rev. Dr. Wilson Paluri is an ordained minister of the Church of North India, Durgapur Diocese, and serves as a Professor of Religion and Cultural Studies at Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, Chennai. He facilitates healthy dialogue with people of other faiths as a Lausanne Catalyst for Hinduism Network, and as an associate partner with Life Focus Society and Hethne Initiative. He is on the Editorial Board of Doon Theological Journal and has contributed several peer-reviewed articles for renowned journals in the area of Indology, Social Philosophy, Indian Philosophy, Inter-faith Relations, and Diasporic Studies. He has also co-edited a book, Christian Engagement in Social Change: The Role of Theological Education published by Christian World Imprints (2018).