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First Fact Finding Mission to Tibet from Exile 1979

First Fact Finding Mission to Tibet from Exile 1979

Author:Namgyal Lhamo Taklha
ISBN 13:9789390752447
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Buddhism

About the Book

A mission of fact-finding. A duty to crack the 20-year long time capsule Tibet was trapped in the post the 1959 Chinese invasion. The burden and responsibility as the first-ever delegation member to Tibet was heavy. However, it was important to convey and inform the separated Tibetans in Tibet and exile of their actual condition to each other. Lobsang Samden Taklha was no longer the man he had been before his trip to Tibet. A once jovial personality has become pensive and downcast post the trip and never recovered from it. The truth unravelled on the actual living conditions of the brothers and sisters in Tibet under the Chinese regime was heart-rendering. Behind the façade and pretence of Chinese officials claiming the Tibetans are happy and liberated from their oppressors, it was evident from the faces of Tibetans that their smiles were manoeuvred by Chinese and deep within their hearts lies suffering and desperateness to speak out. Lobsang Samden Taklha s diary rides the rough tracks of rollercoaster alluding to the shouts of joy from being able to meet the fellow Tibetans in Tibet and tears of dismay at their sufferings and persecution under the Chinese government. ~ Tenzin Wangmo.