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Gender, Caste And Social Justice

Gender, Caste And Social Justice

Author:Dr. Anji A and Dr. A. Ranjithkumar
ISBN 13:9789353240400
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Women Studies

About the Book

CONTENTS List of Contributors . 9 Foreword . 11 Introduction . 13 DR ANJI. A, DR A. RANJITHKUMAR 1. Social Justice: A Critics . 23 B. P . PEREIRA 2. Democratic Justice through Electoral Reforms . 29 ANANDAKUMAR. S 3. Socio-cultural Mobilization through Welfare Programme: A Case of Indira Awaas Yojana Scheme (IAY) in Kashmir valley .41 DRMANZOORHUSSAIN, GOUSIAYASEEN 4. Socio-Economic Status of Transgender: A study with Special Reference to Dharwad District in Karnataka . 57 DR ANJI. A, DR A.RANJITHKUMAR 5. Plights of Old Age Women: Inclusive Perspectives . 73 DR. P . DHANALAKSHMI 6. Child Rearing Practices among the Mahar Community: A Case of Karnataka . 83 DRPRABUDHAS. KAMBLE 7. Women’s Reproductive Health: A Conceptual Study . 91 DR. SHILP AM. SANGAM 8. The impact of Mass Media and Role and Participation of Women in Agriculture . 107 — RAJUKAMBLE, DRS.M. MALAGATTI 9. Gender Perspective of Political Leadership In Kerala . 115 DRHIRANNIY AKALESHP 10. Women and Panchayati Raj in India: Present Scenario . 127 DR. JITENDRAWASNIK 11. Rural Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development: A case study of Andhra Pradesh . 143 S. K. ASHABEGUM 12. Skill Development Programmes to Women Shgs: A Study in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh . 153 DRM. SREEVIDYA 13. Inter - Generational Change in Education, Occupation and Income of Puducherry Arundhathiyar . 167 V . PRAGATI 14. Struggle for Social Justice within Scheduled Caste: A Study from the Union Territory of Pondicherry with Special Reference to the Migration Issue . 181 P . JAY APRADABAN 15. Caste, Ritual and Politics among Yadav Community: An Inquiry . 189 DEVIPRASAD& SAVITAYADAV 16. Social Roots of Honour Based Violence (Honour Killings) Against Women: With Special References from Tamil Nadu . 213 S. GENANI 17. Plagued with Prejudice: Subjugation of Dalit Women in Rajasthan . 219 SUNITAMEENA 18. A Study of Education Among Lambada Tribes in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh . 233 MR. BALRAJURAJARAM 19. Socio-economic Conditions of Women Tea Plantation Workers in the Nilgiris District in Tamil Nadu - A Sociological Study . 243 DR. S. VEDAPURIESW ARAN 20. Contribution of Tea Gardens in Uplifting Socio-Economic Status of Women Workers in Tea Industry of Dibrugarh District, Assam . 259 HIMADRIDUTTA, B.S. MIPUN Index . 271 Many problems have been addressing since 1950 to provide quality of life to everyone and state and central governments spend lots of resources to promote just social order but did not get a good yield. Discrimination against women, SC/ST and other marginalized groups also is being increased in day by day. Academic and public discourses have been taking place to upward mobilization of disadvantaged people, even though they don't come up in mainstream development and they have been denied. What reason is beyond it? Why discrimination against women and SC/ST shall not be properly addressed? Why they are struggling for social justice? To address these, this book just makes an inquire and investigate about the problem of gender, caste discrimination, and social injustice. Gender, Caste and Social Justice are being critically discussed in this book.