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He is Still on Time! Dr Atula Ao's Writings on Old Testament, Feminist and Tribal Theology

He is Still on Time! Dr Atula Ao's Writings on Old Testament, Feminist and Tribal Theology

Author:Compiled and Edited by Dr Samuel George
ISBN 13:9789395457507
Subject:Philosophy and Religion/Christianity

About the Book

This is a unique work. It is both a compilation of Dr. Atula Ao’s theological reflections on Old Testament studies, North-East Tribal Theologies, and Feminist theologies; and reflections (by her friends, colleagues, teachers) on the life, ministry and theological legacy of her. The book is meant for theological students, educators and lay people in the church and society who are interested in Biblical, and theological reflections. Contents Foreword - I Dr. Limatula Longkumer Foreword - II Dr. Mar Pongener Preface Section A I. Old Testament Theology Chapter 1: Justice and Righteousness in Amos and Its Relevance for Contemporary Naga Society Chapter 2: Shalom Vision as an Eschatological Hope for Health and Well-Being of the Cosmos: A Jeremiac Perspective Chapter 3: Health in the Old Testament Chapter 4: Women and Law in the Old Testament Chapter 5: The ‘Day of the Lord’ as an Eschatological Paradigm in the Old Testament Chapter 6: Image of God as Identity Formation in the Creation Narrative Chapter 7: Mission as Neighbourliness and Community Solidarity in the Context of the Margins: A Reflection from Isaiah 58:2-7 Chapter 8: Old Testament Communities, Tribes and Yahweh, and Indian Nationalism Chapter 9: We Are Called: The Journey Inward and the Journey Outward. Reflections from Micah 6 II. Feminist Theology Chaptet 10: The Future of Feminist Theology Chapter 11: Transgressing the Boundaries: Re-Reading the Story of Vashti in the Context of Quest for Women’s Identity Chapter 12: Feminist Hermeneutics: Few Methodological Reflections III. North-East India Tribal Theology Chapter 13: Jubilee and Liberation: A North-East India Tribal Perspective Chapter 14: Spirituality and Discipleship in the Lives and Experiences of Naga Women Chapter 15: Missionary Contributions of Ms. Mary Mead to the Ao-Naga Community Section B Reflections on the Life, Ministry and Legacy of Dr. Atula Ao Chapter 1: For the Tree, Hope is the Scent of Water…. Mrinalini Sebastian and J. Jayakiran Sebastian Chapter 2: Atula: The Incomparable Ravi Tiwari Chapter 3: Mizo Women Claiming their Space in Mission and Church Marina Ngursangzeli Behera Chapter 4: The Theological Legacy of Dr. Atula Ao Ajungla Jamir Chapter 5: Out of Sight. But Never Out of Our Memories! Bendanglemla Longkumer Chapter 6: Late Dr. Atula Tzüdir, as I know I. Lolen Imchen Chapter 7: Dr. Atula Ao: Fragrance in the Midst of Pain V. Baby About the Author: Dr. Samuel George is the husband of Lt. Dr. Atula Ao. He is a Professor of Christian Theology and writer of many theological writings including, The Historical Particularity of Jesus, A Dialogue with the Neo-Hindu View of History (2013); Jesus Beyond Borders: Towards a ‘Glocal’ Christology (2016); Church and Disability (2020).