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Homeopathy An Illusion

Homeopathy An Illusion

Author:Dinesh Kumar Jain
ISBN 13:9788124801956

About the Book

Homeopathy an illusion is a rich source of authentic information on Homeopathy. It lucidly explains how hahnemann framed wrong laws of this therapeutic system due to lack of knowledge. The information has been collected by the author from many sources which forms the scientific basis for the conclusion drawn by the author. The book in real sense presents a humble Reasoning of various unanswered queries regarding the principles of Homeopathy and scientific basis of its remedies. It attempts to unravel several myths associated with Homeopathy and tries to remove illogical and wrong concept that Homeopathy is an effective system of medicine. It analytically proves that principles of Homeopathy are baseless and homeopathic drugs have no therapeutic effects. Lots of people lose their lives as a result of being caught in seeking treatment under Homeopathy. The book, which is basically a social Work with medical orientation, follows a rational, logical and scientific approach purely to get at the truth. The book makes an interesting and informative study for all those who want to know about the fallacies and myths surrounding the treatment system of Homeopathy.