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IGU Study on Four Idu Mishmi Shamanic Rituals: Kanliwu, Machiwu, Anongko and A-Taye (Birth Ritual)

IGU Study on Four Idu Mishmi Shamanic Rituals: Kanliwu, Machiwu, Anongko and A-Taye (Birth Ritual)

Author:Dr Razzeko Delley
ISBN 13:9788195290062
Subject:Anthropology and Sociology/Tribal Studies

About the Book

The four short shamanic rituals dealt in the book are essential and root of other larger rituals. For instance Kanliwu is a pre-requsite of any aspiring shaman. An Idu Mishmi need to at least conduct Kanliwu to be accepted as a shaman. The book documents and paraphrases the shamanic chants to make the people comprehend the ancient tradition. Shamanism among the Idu Mishmi are on the verge of extinction. The community body IMCLS is taking various steps to conserve the ancient tradition. This book is also part of the endeavour to document the traditional cultural component of the tribe. There are also efforts being undertaken among the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh to revive the traditional religions. Same pressure also can be felt among the Idu Mishmis. Apart from the core doctrines, religion like all other cultural components cannot be static. Many forms of religion need to adjust with the time. However reviving the tribal religion without its comprehensive study will probably pave ways for distortions and assimilations. Shamanism arguably is the core element of tribal animism but it looks no works have been undertaken in this dimension among the tribes of Arunachal Pradesh. This is my second book on shamanism of Idu Mishmis and shall attempt more to document the traditional cultural component in days to come also. Coming from the family of shamans, the ancient tradition of the Igus have always fascinated me since my early childhood. On many occasions my uncle a renowned shaman would take me along while conducting different rituals. The mystic dances and sacred moves lulled me to spiritual fantasy and awestruck me. This dimensions also aroused in me the urge to understand the shamanistic chants. Working on the traditional chants have enabled me to identify myself, my culture and experience the thought process of my ancestors. This is also time to express profound gratitude to the Firebird Foundation for Anthropological Research for funding the project and making